987 19 2

Location: somewhere in Korea
Perspective: (y/n)

I hide in the dark, waiting for the target. I can hear Tiger crawling up to me from behind.
"Just got information that the target is approaching."
"Is everyone in their position?"
I hear faint confirmations.
Hearing the door creak open, I ready myself to move. When the lights go on me and the others jump up.
"Happy birthday!"
Yeji is standing in the doorframe. Startled but smiling.
"Ah! Thank you, everyone!"
She runs up to me and gives me a hug, while I kiss her on the forehead. Letting her go, she hugs everyone else. Once she walks by the cake I can see her smile ear to ear.
"Thank you so much!"
Lia lights the candles, while me, Tiger and the girls sit down. Yeji and I are side by side. I hand out the plates and Yeji blows out the candles. Afterwards she looks directly at me.

Perspective: Yeji

When I sit down, Lia lights the candles. I close my eyes, ready to blow them out. I think about (y/n) as I make my wish.
Please let him be safe and as close to me as possible.
Once I made my wish, I blow out the candles and open my eyes. Looking up I can see (y/n) smiling at me. I hope my wish gets fulfilled. I can't live in a world without him.
Yuna takes a knife and starts to cut the cake, while all off us wait for our piece. I get mine first and start do dig in immediately.
Mmh. It's so yummy. As I still relish the sweetness of the cake in my mouth, I feel (y/n) putting his arm around my waist while he eats. I start blushing as I remember the events from yesterday morning and the night before.
"By the way, " Tiger starts before he swallows the piece of cake he is eating, "where were you two days ago, (y/n)? You didn't come back to the room."
"Yeji told us the two off them where at his place."
Ryujin explains.
"(Y/n) doesn't have his own place. He lives in the barracks to save money."
I bite my lip, while (y/n) starts to shift uncomfortably.
Now everyone is looking at us.
I start talking but I don't know what to say.
"You remember that girl group from last year?"
(Y/n) turns to Tiger.
"I met them a few weeks ago and they asked be to stop by sometime."
He points at my direction.
"I thought she might know them, so we went together."
"Who was it Yeji unnie?"
Yuna smiles at me while asking. I'm not sure if she knows (y/n) is lying or if she is actually curious.
I start to stutter again, but then I see (y/n) moving. His left hand is subtly pointing at the cake on his plate, while a finger of his right hand is resting on his red napkin.

Perspective: (y/n)

Please, Yeji!
"We went to Red Velvet's dorm."
That was a close one. I thought we got caught.
"Did you think that was wise?"
Tiger looks at me.
Oh right.
"What do you mean?"
Chaeryeong turns towards him.
"I just thought it wouldn't be really smart to visit two women who had a crush on you with your girlfriend."
I close my eyes in disbelief. Why did he have to ask that? Why didn't I think of that before?
Yeji turns too look at me.
"I didn't know that."
"I-it's not that big off a deal. One of them has a boyfriend."
"That doesn't make it better."
"Come on, Yeji. I'm with you. And I always will be."
She seems to be satisfied by that, but I'm afraid Yeji will want to talk more about it later.
Since the two off us were able to cover up our hotel adventure, the conversation is now going into a more pleasant direction. Unfortunately me and Yeji won't be able to spend the night together this time.

"The two off us actually got you a present together."
Tiger motions me to keep talking.
"We reserved a table at a nice restaurant for all of us."
Yeji looks excited again.
"Go and get changed. The other guys are meeting us there."

The girls go off to their respective rooms while me and Tiger change into the suits we brought with us.

After a few minutes of waiting and a couple of more in the car we are now finally in the restaurant.
The girls look around in astonishment. We were able to book the entire rooftop. Now it's decorated with balloons and confetti. I hug Yeji from behind while she still looks around.
"Happy birthday."
I give her kiss.
"I love you."
I smile at her.
"I love you too."
"Where is the birthday girl?"
I hear Panther's voice and turn around.
"I'm here."
Yeji walks up to him.
"Happy birthday."
He gives her a hug and a wrapped present. Seahawk and Wolf are right behind him.

The night was great. We all sat down and started talking. After a while we got our food. It was so delicious, that it was almost worth it's price. Yeji ordered so much that I had to eat half of it. Now we are all sitting around the empty table. While the girls all drink wine or a beer, me and the guys don't drink. When it gets colder Yeji snuggles into me and I wrap my arm around her. This moment could have gone on for hours and hours. I feel happy and I know Yeji is happy too.
Suddenly Panther's phone rings. When he looks at the screen he smiles.
"My wife."
He stands up and walks away to talk in private.
"I have a question."
Yuna raises her hand as if she was in school. I gesture in her direction to continue.
"Do you guys only protect famous people or do you do something else as well?"
"Where did you get that idea from?"
"Well, you protected us, Twice and Red Velvet."
Before I can say something, Panther walks back.
"We can't talk about what we do."
"Please." She turns around to him and pouts.
"I really want to know."
"We are not allowed to tell you."
Yuna crosses her arms and pretends to be angry at him.
I'm about to comfort her, when Panther's phone rings again. Seeing the caller ID he looks at me. At that moment my phone starts to ring as well. Then Tiger's, then Seahawk's, then Wolf's. I sigh in disbelief. This can't be happening. Not today.
I answer the call, knowing who it is.
"Here is Shadow."

Perspective: Yeji

When I hear everyone's phone ring, I start to know whats happening. When (y/n) answers, I know for certain. My birthday wish didn't come true.
"Yes, we will be there."
At first the other girls seem to not understand, until the guys hang up and stand up.
Chaeryeong looks at Tiger.
"Please don't go."
Although I want to say the same to (y/n), I know he can't stay. Tiger takes her hand to say goodbye. (Y/n) takes mine as well. I stand up with him and we take a few steps.
"I don't want to leave."
"I know."
I try to be strong but I can't stop my voice from shaking.
"Don't worry. I will be back as soon as possible."
I can feel something warm start to drip down my cheeks. Only when (y/n) uses his thumb to wipe off my tears, I realize I'm crying.
"Nothing will happen to me. Please stay strong."
"You don't know that."
My voice is barely above a whisper.
"I know. Because you are waiting for me. As long as you wait for me, I will always come back."

Perspective: (y/n)

I take her face into my hands and give her a deep kiss.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
She holds one of my hands, when I start to let go.
Yeji shakes her head, but doesn't speak. I give her one last kiss on her forehead before I walk back, still facing her.
I love you, Hwang Yeji.

Perspective: Yeji

Once he reaches the door, he turns around at last. I hear (y/n) walking down the stairs. I feel like my heart would burst any moment as I run up to the handrail. I see a Jeep waiting for them in the distance. I can only see it's headlights because of the dark. (Y/n) walks out of the restaurant. He turns around one last time and looks up. He gives me a sad smile and waves goodbye before making a finger heart. I have to laugh at his antics. When he turns around I get silent once again. I can see Shadow entering the shadow of the night.
I love you, Lieutenant Hwang (Y/n). My soldier.


Hello everyone! First off all, happy birthday to light fury Hwang Yeji! Unfortunately I wasn't able to publish this chapter on her birthday, but I think it's close enough

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Hello everyone! First off all, happy birthday to light fury Hwang Yeji! Unfortunately I wasn't able to publish this chapter on her birthday, but I think it's close enough. Unfortunately this is the end of this story.
I appreciate all your support! Thank you for reading! Thank you for voting! Thank you for all the helpful feedback and the nice comments!

I do have another story going right now, and I will be begin the next one soon. So don't worry, there is more stuff to read. 😁

I hope you all had a great time reading. Thank you!

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