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Location: Icheon, Gyeonggi province, Special forces HQ
Perspective: Sergeant Kim

As I keep looking through the files and documents, my feeling gets worse and worse. There isn't any sign of a traitor in our midst. Nothing unusual happened. Not during the mission and not during the preparations. Only two irregularities caught my eye. Both of them are connected to First lieutenant Hwang.
First he was pulled of another mission. On the same day he started to prepare as the new member of the Green Team. It's not unusual that a soldier from another squad has to help out, but why did the colonel pull him off his own mission?
Secondly he is the only survivor. It is always a bit suspicious if only one man comes back alive from a mission. Maybe he knew what was gonna happen?
My gut says First lieutenant Hwang isn't the traitor, but I have to investigate. There is no way around this. I have to let him be brought in.
I close the files and shut down my computer, before leaving the room. I already ordered someone to get his files to the interrogation room. Although I don't think it's him, he is still the lead subject.

Location: Itzy's dorm
Perspective: (y/n)

"I just got the results from the lab."
While the girls are going to sleep in the living room, we are checking our equipment in the spare room.
Tiger asks curiously.
"Fortunately only a small part of the blood is Lion's. That means he did get wounded but not badly. They say he might got a cut or two."
"Means he is alive?"
Wolf asks hopefully.
"As long as they didn't kill him somewhere else."
"You are not helping, Seahawk."
"I'm just saying, Shadow. The results only say he was probably alive when he was in his apartment. We don't know about the rest."
I turn back to Panther.
"What about the other blood?"
"All they know is that it's from three different people."
"That means he put up a good fight?"
Panther slips a small smile.
"Hell, yes."
"What about the schedule?"
"Don't worry, Tiger. We are going to get to that now."
"I'm just saying. 'Cause Shadow's hands is hurt."
I roll my eyes.
"I'm fine. You don't have to baby me all the time, just because I'm the youngest."
"Fine. If Shadow says he is ready for action, than he is ready for action. We will follow protocol 5B. Everyone has their assigned person."
"Yes, sir!"

We all leave the room and join Itzy in the living room. All of them are lying there, with their eyes closed. My brothers and I sit on the floor. We don't mind resting a bit as well. After all, I just had an amazing date with Yeji. Although the ending wasn't what I expected.

After a few hours we wake up the girls. Since nobody, except for me and Yeji, didn't eat any breakfast yet, we decided on grabbing something to eat. Wolf and Seahawk left a few minutes ago to buy some pancakes, while the rest of us prepares the table. As soon as the doorbell rings, Tiger walks towards it.
"Be careful. The two off them shouldn't be here yet."
Tiger nods before opening. Than he takes a step back. Three men in uniform enter the dorm. I don't recognize the guys one the right and left. The man in the middle looks like Sergeant Kim.
"First lieutenant Hwang?"
He looks around the room, until he spots me standing next to Yuna and Yeji.
"Come here."
I step towards him, expecting the worst. He is usually with criminal investigation.
"First lieutenant (y/n) Hwang! You are from now on in custody. You are suspected off being a traitor to the Korean army and killing of your comrades."
I can just raise my eyebrow in confusion.
"This is stupid."
Tiger starts to step up to the Sergeant, but Panther holds him back. I can hear the girls gasp in surprise behind me.
"What is this?"
Panther looks at Sergeant Kim furiously.
"He is a great man and brother. He would never do something like that."
One of the men walks to me and pulls out handcuffs. Tiger stops him by grabbing his hands.
"Stop it!"
Sergeant Kim looks at Panther.
"He is the lead suspect because of the Kajakī mission. We will bring him in for questioning. Whoever stops us, will be considered a suspect as well."
Panther gives Tiger a sign, who let's go of the soldiers hands. He tries to cuff me, but I shake him off.
"We are in an operation right now."
Panther still sounds angry.
"I'm sorry but this can't wait."
The guy tries to cuff me again, but I shake him off again.
"I can walk by myself. No need to cuff me."
Sergeant Kim just nods and steps out of the door. The guy behind me pushes me to go forward. As I walk by Panther, he nods at me. I know he will support me no matter what. He knows I'm innocent. Tiger looks angry. I'm sure that's not because of me though. Looking back, I see the girls still standing at the back. When my gaze meets Yeji's, I don't know what to do. I only manage to get one last good look at her, before I get pushed out of the door.

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