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Location: Itzy's dorm
Perspective: Yeji

A week after the car accident, we finally got out of the hospital. Me and the members are currently relaxing on the couch, since we are still not aloud to work hard.
I tried calling (y/n) but he doesn't answer. I want to see him again. I really do. But I can't meet him. I don't know where he lives and works and he is not responding to my messages.
Maybe he forgot about me already?
I sigh in disappointment. I hope it's not that. I hope we can make up.

Location: ?
Perspective: (y/n)

"Wake up!"
He kicks me again, while I steer awake.
The only thing I can see from his face are his eyes and his big beard. He is wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I actually don't know if it was yesterday. Maybe a few hours ago or even two days?
I don't know for how long I am already in this place. I haven't seen any sunlight, since I came here. That was maybe a week ago? Or a month?
I tried to determine the days with the beginning and ending of the routines down here, but I soon realized that it won't work. The only things I do in here are sleeping, eating and getting tortured. Some routines take longer than others. That means they could last a day or just a few ours.
The man in front of me pulls me on my feet and pushes me towards the door. I almost trip and fall down, but he keeps his hand on my neck. As we enter the hallway, we walk to the left, past other rooms. The grey walls reflect only a little bit of the light, which comes from the tiny lightbulbs on the ceiling. The doors are all the same as mine. I sometimes hear crying or groans behind them as I walk by. I haven't seen any of my inmates yet. At first I thought they were the members of the green squad, but they didn't respond to my calls.
After reaching the end off the hallway, we enter a big room. In the middle are two chairs and a desk. One chair has straps on it. On the table are tools. I am sure you know what they are for.
In one of the corners stands a big bathtub. I can see that it's empty right now. No ice cold water for me. Even though I hate the water treatment, it's my favorite. Of course it sucks since it's cold and you keep struggling for air, but at least it doesn't hurt so much.
The whole floor is covered in blood from my and my inmates previous sessions. They should really clean this up.
Once again the man behind me pushes me into the chair and makes sure I am all tied up. And than, waves of pain wash over me again and again.

Location: Kandahar
Perspective: 3rd person

The members off the eagle squad sit in a basement at the edge of the city. Two weeks ago the green team was sent to Afghanistan to secure missiles. The last known location of the team was Kajakī. After that, they lost contact. Panther and his men followed the trace of the missing squad to Kandahar. They were told the soldiers are held in the most secure part of the prison near the city.
"Do you think they are still alive?"
Panther looks in Wolfs direction.
Wolf is basically a beginner when it comes to be a special force member. He joined the team just a few months ago after another member died in Mali.
Panther closes his eyes. He wishes he would be able to say something inspiring, but even he starts to lose hope.
"C'mon man." All look at the chuckling Tiger.
"Shadow can't be killed. You remember that time in Israel?"
Seahawk starts smiling too.
"That idiot was lucky the warehouse had a back exit."
"Don't worry guys, we will find him." Panther says as he looks at his watch.
"Let's move out in 5."
The four men all check their equipment one last time, before leaving the basement. Ready to brake into prison.

Location: near Kandahar
Perspective: (y/n)

I feel the pain off the cold stone floor once again, after the man shoves me through my door. I am in too much pain to even groan. The feeling off hell in my foot starts to ebb down. I can't really tell if he broke anything this time. It would be a first one though. Oddly enough, nobody broke any of my bones yet. Which is pretty surprising to me. Maybe I am going to be transported somewhere else? It would be easier for them to let me walk there and then break something, instead of carrying me there.
I don't know how long this last session took. A couple of minutes? Half an hour? 5 hours? The missing sunlight is bad enough, but the pain makes thinking even harder.
I am about to doze off. Sleep is the only way too escape the pain. Suddenly I hear a gun shot. What happened?
And another one.
Are they going to execute us all?
Another one.
Is someone here to free us?
I can hear the gun shots coming closer. Either way, it will be over soon.
The door crashes open. I see the guy from earlier standing in front of me.
That's it. I close my eyes, wishing it is just a dream. Praying that it will be over soon. Hoping Panther and the guys will save me. Hoping that anyone will save me.
A gun shot.
A thud.
I open my eyes. The man with the beard lies in front of me. A hole in his head. I look up.
"I found him. Let's get out of here."
Tiger smiles at me while talking on his mike.
"You look horrible, man."
"Thanks." I am barely able to speak.
"I can't walk on my own. Do you mind?"
He grabs my extended hand.
"Welcome back from the dead, brother."


Author's note:

Hey everybody! Thank you for all your support!
This chapter has a lot of different perspectives this time. At first I was afraid that it would cause confusion, but I hope it's not so bad.
Please give me some feedback so I can improve my writing.

Take care everyone!!

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