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Location: JYP cafeteria
Perspective: Yeji

The hot Tteokbokki falls out off my mouth. I fan my mouth, before drinking some water.
As I look up, I see the others laughing at me.
"Stop laughing."
I try to look angry, but it doesn't seem to work, because Yuna just starts to laugh even more.
"You keep hurting yourself while beeing caught up in your thoughts."
I start to smile unconsciously. Although I miss him, the last memory of (y/n) is one of the best moments in my life.

29 days ago:
Location: Han River

I check my phone again. 5:13. He should have been here 13 minutes ago. I feel nervous. The last time I saw him was, when he got arrested. Yesterday I got a text from (y/n). Saying I should meet him here at 5 am. This is the spot where we met up last time. Every second that passes, I'm more scared for (y/n).
"Dis you sleep well?"
I spin around and hug him tightly. Although I didn't even see him, I know it's (y/n). His presence and his scent make me forget all worries. At the same time my heart starts to beat faster. When I pull away, I can see him smile at me. He looks tired and exhausted.
"Do you feel alright?"
"Don't worry. I'm fine."
"You look tired. Did those soldiers do something bad to you?"
"No they didn't."
"Are you sure?"
(Y/n) holds one hand up and puts the other one on his chest.
"I swear."
I can't help but smile at his action.
"Fine. I believe you."
He gestures towards the river. We start to walk while talking.
"Why did you want to meet here?"
"What's with that question? We always meet here."
He smiles at me again. This time it looks different though. It looks like it's kinda forced. It looks like he is worried about something.
"There is something wrong, isn't it?"
(Y/n) looks onto the water.
"I don't know what you are talking about."
I slap his arm lightly.
"Don't try to fool me."
He let's out a sigh of resignation.
"Alright. Here it goes."
He takes a deep breath before he continues to talk.
"I will be leaving in an hour."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I will leave. Maybe South Korea. Maybe Asia. I don't know yet."
"F-for how long?"
I already start to miss him.
Although I know his job now, it doesn't make it easier.
"I don't know for how long."
He looks at me again.
"A week? A month? Two months?"
His voice becomes more quiet.
"Maybe longer?"
I gasp in surprise.
"Longer than a month??"
"I said maybe."
"But I... "
"I know Yeji. It's not easy for me either. I don't want to leave you. I want to make sure that you are safe."
Although I'm still disappointed, a  part of my body becomes warm when I hear his words.
I lock eyes with him, without moving.
"Please come back without getting hurt."
"I promise."
As I'm about to say, that he can't promise that, because he doesn't have control over it, he leans in.
Coming closer, I feel his hot breath brushing my lips. I close my eyes in anticipation. While I move towards him, he puts his hand on my waist.
Finally our lips touch. (Y/n)'s lips are soft. They feel great. The kiss feels great. The butterflies in my stomach go crazy. My head starts to spin. When my lips form a smile, I can feel him doing the same.
(Y/n) leans back a bit, but still holds me tight.
"I wanted to do this since the first time I saw you."
My cheeks start to heat up. I cover the blush with my cold hands. I can't stop smiling.
When he leans in again, I close my eyes expecting another kiss on the lips. Instead he plants his lips onto my forehead.
Opening my eyes, I can see sadness in his.
"It's time now."
Although the happy feeling is still there, it's now overshadowed by my worries.
"Do you really have to go?"
He nods.
"Don't worry. I will be back. And then we will start where we just stopped."
I look at him in confusion.
"What do you...?
His lips on mine silence me immediately.
Pulling back, he winks at me.
" I will try to text you as much as possible. If you don't hear any news about me from Panter and the others, it means I'm fine."
He hugs me one last time, before letting go of me.
"Goodbye, little Light Furry."
He only waves at me while laughing. Than he jogs away into the night.

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