Chapter 22

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Location: Icheon, Gyeonggi province, Special forces HQ

Perspective: (y/n)

I stare in front of me, not able to think. What did he just say?
I look over at Tiger, who was here, before I came in.
"Are you sure?"
My voice sounds dry and broken.
"We have the body."
The general looks at me with sympathy in his eyes.
"He got shot from behind."
I close my eyes, still not able to comprehend what has happened.
Tiger doesn't say anything, he just sits there with glassy eyes.
"The others are on the way home with the body. They will arrive by tomorrow morning."
I don't listen to his words as my mind goes blank. How is this possible? This wasn't supposed to happen. I feel my hand starting to shake.
"No. You are lying."
The man in front of me sighs in sympathy.
"I'm sorry, lieutenant."
Tiger is still not saying anything. He hasn't moved since I came in. And I feel lost. Alone. Scared.
The general takes out an envelope from underneath his desk. Putting it onto the table, he slides it towards me.
"I think he would have liked it, if you were the person to give her this."
I stare at the white paper. The black characters are blurred, due to my watery eyes.
"I will give you his address."
He looks at Tiger.
"You should go with him."
He is still not responding.
As hard as I try, I can't get myself to stand up. An important part of my life has been taken from me. It feels like it left a hole in my stomach. Biting my lip, I try not to cry.
"The funeral will be held on the day after he arrives."
The general gives the envelope another small push.
After a couple of moments, I finally have enough strength to take it. The white paper feels light in my hand. His last words.

Turning around one last time, I see Tiger sitting in the Jeep. Once we started driving, he began to cry, until we reached our destination. I didn't talk the whole time. At last, he said he would rather wait inside, not wanting to hurt her even more.
Walking through the small gate, I let my eyes wander through the front yard. A little bicycle is leaning against the tree to my left. Two tiny shovels and a bucket are standing next to the small, self built sandbox. A cake is standing on the windowsill, the smell of cherries fills my nose.
I wipe away a tear, when I finally reach the door. After ringing the bell, I hear laughter and shouting behind the door.
"Sohee! Don't wake your sister up!"
The laughing seems to die down and the small footsteps come to halt somewhere inside the house.
I suddenly feel my chest getting tighter. It starts to become harder to breathe. For a moment, it feels like I'm gonna suffocate. I want to turn around and run. I don't want to tell her. I don't want it to be true. I hear footsteps coming closer. Last chance! Run!

When the door opens, I stand still. The woman in front of me must be about five to seven years older than me. Her long black hair is held up in a high ponytail. She is wearing a yellow summer dress with small flowers on it. Her bright smile turns into a frown, when she looks at me up and down. At that moment I realize, I'm still wearing my uniform.
"Hello. Can I help you?"
I take one last, deep breath.
"Yoo Seri?"
"T-That's me."
I can see that she is starting to get anxious.
"I'm Hwang (y/n). Me and your husband are comrades."
"I-I see."
I'm sure she doesn't know, what he did exactly. But she seems to have a hunch. And the way she looks at me, tells me that she already knows what happened. Deep down. She knows. But can't except it yet.
"I'm sorry to inform you, that your husband, Yoo Shi-jin, has died four days ago, serving his country."
I bite my lip, I tried to keep it formal, not wanting to cry myself.
Seri's face turns white. She is completely pale, her eyes wide. Her mouth is open as if she wants to say something.
"I'm really sorry. He was a good man. A good friend. And I'm sure he was an even better husband and father."
I'm really trying my best to console her. But luckily, I have never been in this situation before.
After a couple of moments, which feel like hours, she finally manages to say a word.
Her voice got higher, but turned into a whisper. The shock evident on her face. I realize, that she must know quiet a lot about what Panther was doing. She seems more devastated, than surprised.
"He got shot."
Tears start flow down Seri's cheeks as she covers her mouth with her hand. Taking a step forward, I wrap her in my arms, hugging her tight. I know, at least to some extent, how she is feeling.
The young mother tenses up for just a moment, but her sorrow is too big. She starts to cry into my chest uncontrollably, trying to muffle her sobs, hoping her children won't hear.
"His body will be here by tomorrow. I will give you a ride then."
She doesn't respond and I'm not sure, if she even heard what I said.
It takes her a while to finally gain enough composure to pull away. Taking a step back, I bow respectfully.
"I'm really sorry."
Wiping away her tears, Seri looks up at me.
"D-Did h-he suff-suffer a lot?"
I shake my head.
"He shouldn't have felt anything."
Her head hangs low as thinks about her dead husband.
"I-I was always afraid, t-that this was gonna happen."
I search in my pocket, to take out a tissue. She looks at me thankfully, before wiping her nose.
"When-Whenever I told him not to go, he always said the same thing."
She leans her head against the doorframe.
"I'm doing this for hour daughters. So they can grow up save."
She wipes away more tears.
"But I was always sure, he would come back. He promised me."
I feel a sharp pain in my heart as I think about Yeji. It's a promise I made as well. Not to die. To come back to her. Safe and sound.
Panther couldn't keep his promise. Will I?


Hi everyone! I hope you are having a great day. Please let me know what you think about this chapter. I'm not good with writing emotional stuff, that's why I'm trying to improve. I hope you like it.

Maybe you didn't see yet, but I have exams coming up, which means I am unable to write properly until September. I will try my best to update as much as possible though.

Have nice day!

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