I think his love language is physical touch, I'm not sure what mine is but whatever he does is great.

"Let's go," I say grabbing my purse and his hand.

"Where?" He asks grabbing my hand and following me out.

"To the mall, I need to shop,"

"Okay," he shrugs.

I leave my dad a note saying where we are in case he comes home early.


I ended up getting so many bathing suits.

We're only there for five days but I need options.

And I don't know what else is planned besides the beach.

I still haven't told my dad-or I guess asked him yet,


"Hey, Lili, can I come in for a minute," Dad asked from outside my door.

Ok, no time like the present.

"Yeah, sure," I reply, he opens the door coming to sit on the end of my bed.

"I need to tell you-," we both say at the same time.

He raises his eyebrow confused telling me to continue, "I wanted-Chase invited me to spend part of spring break with them at his papa's house in Florida," I say.

He lets out a big breath and smiles at me.

"What?" I ask suspiciously.

"I was coming in here to ask you if it was ok if I and April went on a little trip together," he says.

"Oh ok good, I didn't want you to be alone," I say relieved.

"And yes, of course, you can go with Chase I think that will be a lot of fun, do you need money or a ticket?" He asks.

"No, he said he has everything figured out but I wouldn't mind buying them a fancy dinner to say thank you," I say.

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow," I say excitedly. His jaw drops open.

"And you just thought of now to tell me!?" He asks.

"I was scared you were going to say no," I defend.

"Why would I say no?" He asks offended I would think that.

"Most parents don't want their teenage daughter going to Florida with their teenage boyfriend," I explain.

"Yeah well most parents don't have a Lili and Chase, I trust you to be smart and I trust him to protect you from creepy old Florida dudes, he explains,

"And besides I think that boy would shoot himself in the foot if it meant keeping you safe," he says.

I nod, not that it would ever happen but it's true.


We leave for the airport in thirty minutes, I slept at Chase's house last night so it would make this morning easier.

I said goodbye to my dad and April yesterday too, it was sad I haven't gone this long without seeing him before.

April and him are driving into Regina for a few days, apparently, she has some family up there they're going to visit.

That's a big step for them so I'm excited to hear how it goes.

My alarm went off a while ago because I need more time to get ready and do the final packing than Chase does.

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