70. *Everything*

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"Well, hello ladies!" He said in his famous tone and with that mischievous grin on his face. "Heard your voices coming out from here, so I thought to check in." As he said that I saw his eyes that had now completely stopped looking around, and was now staring at something or more like someone.

As I looked back I saw it was on none other than Bianca, who was busy assessing herself in the long wall mirror that was inside Hana's room. My eyes then fell on Amanda who also saw what I saw and we both just smirked.

Looking back at him, I saw him now looking away from her and for a moment I saw something flickered through his eyes. But then it was gone and back was his mischievous grin. Hmmm....

"Do you see any boy in here?" Hana asked as she put her hands on her hips. "This is girls time. Boys are not allowed." She shooed him away to which Enzo simply chuckled and walked further inside the room. "Boys? You hurt me piccolo." To emphasis he put his hand over his heart. "I'm no boy, I'm a man."
(Little one)

"What she means is no male species are allowed, boy or a man." Bianca spoke up as she folded her arms in front. If I wasn't seeing things I was damn sure I saw Enzo's eyes roamed over her body. Woah what?

Bianca cleared her throat, obviously noticing his gaze on her. "Eyes up here mister." With her fingers she pointed towards her eyes.

At this Enzo smirked, "Oh I apologise I didn't mean to stare." To this Bianca just rolled her eyes at him. "But you can't blame me, can you?" I swore I saw a little blush coming onto her cheeks, but then it was gone. "Whatever" Was all she said in return.

"I'm gonna drown you just you wait!" Bianca playful glared at Amanda who had just pushed her in the pool.

I was sitting with my legs submerged inside the pool, with water wetting my legs upto my knees. It was a surprise how after I declined to join them in the pool, they didn't force me, not even Bianca.

As I saw them all, playfully splashing water at each other, I thought back to when I had first gotten inside this very pool. It felt like it was just yesterday, oh how I had behaved and almost put my head inside the lion's cage. I was sure I was now probably blushing. Biting down on my lower lip, I tried not to think back to how Massimo had looked in this very pool. With his wet naked torso, wet hairs, water cascading down his body....

Clenching my thighs together, I tried to cleared my thoughts since thinking about his naked wet torso was making something else wet I guess.
Why am I talking like my subconscious mind?

"You sure you still don't wanna join us?" I looked up as I heard Hana's voice. "Yes, I'm sure. You people carry on." I replied. "Do you want something to drink?" I then asked to which they answered "Ya sure, thanks!"

So, taking my legs out of the pool I stood up and started to walk inside the house. I was about to turn towards the kitchen's direction when I heard a feminine voice. It was as if someone was humming. Being the curious one, I followed the voice. As I reached from where it was coming, I found the girl from last night. She was standing by the large window that was looking outside towards the front yard.

Walking my way, I stood right next her. That made her humming to stop and she turned her head to look at me. "Oh Hi." She said as soon as she saw me. "Hi" I replied back. "Um if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here all alone?" I then asked to which she just smiled.

"Nothing. I was just looking." She replied looking back outside the window. "And besides I'm not alone, my bodyguard is with me." As she said that only then I realised that her bodyguard was standing behind, in the distance.

I didn't know what to say to that so I simply nodded, but then something came on my mind. "How about you come join us?" I asked her to which she turned her head back towards me. "We're actually having a little pool party outside." She just kept looking at me. "Um Hana and my other two friends are also there." Her eyes then landed on my lips as if she was reading words on my lips. Weird.

"You want me to join you?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows. "You don't mind having me with you?" Now it was my turn to furrow my eyebrows. I mean I get it we don't know her, she's a stranger but seeing her here all alone, I just couldn't help but invite her to join us.

Giving her a small genuine smile I replied, "No, I don't mind." I mean I wasn't lying I seriously didn't mind her joining us. I get it we didn't know her but looking at her I felt like as if we were in school, and she was a new student who had no one to hangout with. So me being the kind one, I couldn't see her being all alone.

"Okay." She said after sometime. "But you said you were swimming and here you're not in swimsuit?"

"Um I actually don't want to swim that's why." I answered. "But the rest of them are fully dressed and playing inside the pool."

"Oh okay." She answered. "But I didn't pack any swim suit, so I don't have one."

"That's not a problem." And with that I took her towards my room to have her change into one of my swim suits.

Massimo's P.O.V

I had been out since last night. The moment I got a call that someone had broke into one of our shipments, that was armed with weapons, I left to deal with the matter. Though I didn't want to leave her, didn't want to leave what we were doing, but unfortunately I had to.

Last night, after days I felt like I was actually living and not just breathing. Being that close to her, feeling her warmth, her luscious lips after so long, I felt whole. That woman sure has some kind of control over me no doubt.
It was intriguing how I was a completely different person with her. She made me want to do things I had never done before, that I couldn't think of doing.

My mind wandered to what she had said to me before I left. She had wanted to know what we had between us, or if we even had something. I had wanted to tell her then and there that yes we sure had something, it was more than something. I found it unsettling how she was hurt because of my past behaviour, what I had said to her, the way I had made her feel.

I had wanted to embrace her in my arms, kiss the living life out of her. I had wanted to claim her then and there, I had wanted to show her that she meant so much to me, that I wouldn't do what I did in past. But all that now had to wait because I had to first deal with this goddamn deal. I need to first settle things out with Roberto De Luca and then when everything else was sorted, I'd tell her, show her everything.

A/N: What's up my dear readers! I hope you all are doing great. Thank you for reading my book and being patient with my slow updates❤️ I try to update as soon as possible for you all because you guys have been showing so much love to my book that I couldn't think of!🥺💜

About today's chapter - well...looks like Massimo is finally ready to tell Maya everything, about what he feels, etc👀 Are you excited for upcoming chapters? Because I sure am!

Do comment your thoughts or what you like/dislike! Anything related to the book or just anything random😐😁

Apologies if there was any error or grammatical mistake.


Thank you💕
All the love

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant