"Pops! What's going o-" Marco stopped short upon seeing who was standing beside his old man.

"I'm so sorry for interrupting!" he went down on one knee, bowing his head towards their visitor.

"Now now Marco," The Devil sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you? You dot need to show me respect anymore. I lost that along time ago."

"But-" The Devil put his hand up. "Yes, I understand." Marco grumbled.

"Now what was this you said about wanting a swordsman with promise?" Whitebeard asked.

"Ah yes, I recently have made a 'friend' and am trying to put a crew together for him." Both Whitebeard and Marco flinched at the word.

"What is his name?" Marco nodded wanting to know who was so desperate. It had been a long time since He had down anything for free.

"I don't know." The two stared for a second as the response sunk in.


"I said I don't know. Though I think I should fix that. Your not the first to ask." He reached into his cloak feeling around before pulling a scroll out. "Lets see," He unrolled the scroll. "That was twenty years ago, ten, ah hear it is. Monkey D... Well isn't this interesting. He is a D. Full name is Monkey D. Luffy. Ate the gum-gum fruit, sold his soul to become the King of the Pirates."

"What?!?" Marco exclaimed. "King of the Pirates?"

"That's right. though I wasn't going to put any serious effort into it cause he was just a kid but now I think I really have to. It's been a while since the Will has had someone innocent to work with. Even Rodger had his own dark past."

Marco stood speechless. He wanted to yell that Whitebeard was ganna be the King of the Pirates but deep down he knew that if the one standing before him decided something was going to happen there was only one being that could have a chance of stopping it from happening.

"Well if you don't have a swordsman then I'll be going." The Devil closed his eyes and took a step, disappearing.

"Pops where are you?!" Marco looked about as suddenly the entire crew was surrounding them, shouting. They had been lost in the backlash of His ability.

The Devil opened his eyes once more to find himself standing in the yard of a dojo. "Ah! That's more like. Now to find a swordsman."

He turned in time to be barreled over by something covered in moss. "Zoro!" A man came out from the dojo followed by a girl. The Devil followed where they were looking and found indeed what had hit him was actually a green haired boy carrying a sword. Well the boy was severely lacking in skill, his future held no chance for what was needed.

"I'm so sorry sir. We recently lost someone and the boy was close to her." The man explained.

"No worries, I was just surprised is all." The Devil grinned.

"I'm sorry for the lack of introduction, I am the master of this dojo. Is there anything we can do for you?" The man gestured inside.

"I am actually in search of a swordsman, though in this case, a swordswoman will do." The Devil looked at the girl. She was perfect! She had the grace and skill necessary to be the best. Much better than that boy, all muscle and no finesse. "May I speak with the girl beside you?"

"What?!" The man looked about in surprise. "Their is no one here but us."

Great. Just his luck that the perfect person was dead. "My mistake. I must have imagined it." He turned to leave.

"Wait!" A female voice called. He turned back to see the girl standing beside him. "You said you came for a swordsman? Take Zoro with you."

"Now why would I do that? The boy has none of the requirements to be the best. And the best is what I will need." The Devil turned to leave again.

"We promised." He turned back, again. "We promised that one of us would become the greatest swordsman." She looked down, a tear sliding down her cheek. "Now that I'm dead I can't fulfill my part of the promise. You can see me so that means your different. Maybe you can help him make it." She looked up, a fierce look in her eyes, almost daring him to turn her down.

"Fine." She looked a little surprised that he agreed.

"But I won't do it for free." She nodded at this. "Your soul is my, in return I offer to help him. It's up to him whether or not to accept. Agreed?" He stuck his hand out, his characteristic grin returning.

"So, whether or not he accepts you get my soul?" She asked.

"Yes. And if he accepts I get his soul in the bargain too." He shrugs. "So it's a win win for me."

"What will you do with my soul?" She looked uncertain.

"Eat it." She backed up, afraid. "Just messing with ya kid. Depends on what I need." He shrugged. "Sometimes I give them new bodies from those who just died and sometimes I use them as messengers. I also use them for pleasures but your a bit on the underdeveloped side, so that's a no go." She blushed as he looked her up and down.

She thought about it and then decided. "I know he'll accept so I will to." She offered his hand

The Devil smiled. "Welcome to the team." He grabbed her hand as she faded away. He glanced up to see the dojo master confused. In his eyes a mystery man had just had a conversation with hisself and was now shaking hands with the air.

"Well, might as well get down to business." The Devil made his way into the woods to find the moss-headed boy.

Zoro was in the woods where he usually trained. He couldn't believe that she was actually dead. It was only a few days ago that they had promised to each other to keep training until one if them became the best. It wasn't fair.

"So this is where you were." Zoro looked up to see the man he had ran into earlier. Where did he come from. And why hadn't he heard anything when he approached.

"What do you want?" Zoro asked.

"I've come to make a proposal." The man smiled, more like grinned evilly.

"What is it?" Zoro wasn't sure if he wanted to hear it.

"I will help you become the greatest swordsman in the world, in return your soul belongs to me." The man's grin widened.

"Alright." Zoro answered immediately.

The man seemed to falter at his quick response. "That's it? 'Alright'?" He questioned. "Your not ren gunna question me about the shady deal with your soul?"

"I'll sell my soul to the Devil himself if it means I can be the greatest swordsman. I made a promise to someone and I won't break it even if I die." Zoro declared.

The man laughed at his response, slow at first then his laughter grew until he sounded crazy. "The Devil himself eh? Maybe you got what it takes after all kid." He grinned.

"Alright." The man stuck his hand out. "Your soul for the title of the greatest swordsman, you better not die before you reach it."

Zoro took his hand and as a scream ripped from him as he felt an intense burning on his forehead. The pain seemed to last forever before he collapsed, breathing heavily.

"Now I'm going to give you some instructions for training. You need to get stronger before you leave this island." The man explained. "And when you do leave, look for the man with the Devil's Grin. His path will take you to the title you want."

The man spent an hour building him a training schedule and explaining to him how strong he needed to be before he left. Afterwards he disappeared, mumbling something about a navigator.

So guys ima ask you again. PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was more a command but you get the idea. I really want to know what you guys think about the plot so far as well as the characters I make and abilities that come out. I need your questions and thoughts. They feed me!! *Sticks hands out as if using the force* You will bend to my will. COMMENT!

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