Chapter 103

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Static had stood outside Lord's door for a while. He never did anything but serve the boss. Unable to speak and not knowing the Japanese alphabet nor even sign language, he couldn't even communicate with other people. He had known Lord long enough and the boss wasn't trying to communicate with him, he just wanted to be obeyed. He therefore preferred to remain glued to Lord. He didn't care to be compared to a dog.

A few laughs caught his attention. It came from another hallway, specifically from the foyer. He recognized Red's voice. He was the only one Static had spent enough time with during the capture mission to fully differentiate his voice from the others. Lord had actually sent him to watch the teenager, out of lack of trust in him. Red had rather annoyed him most of the time, but he had tried to talk with him, to question him, even knowing he couldn't speak. Unlike all the times when other people had just given up, Red clung to him and talked to him nonstop throughout the entire mission.

After a moment of listening to the exclamations of joy, he decided to move away from the door and walk in their direction. If Lord needed him, he would call him.

The closer he got, the more distinctly he could hear the peals of laughter. Red looked like he was being lectured, but not in a serious way. He seemed to be cheating on something. He came to the open door of the hearth. One of the men came out at the same time. He got scared when he saw Static and saluted him while stepping back. Static just nodded in response. However, he had just enough time to put one foot in the room when the teenager threw himself on him.

"STATIC!!" cried Red happily as he clung to him, "are you coming to play with us?! Say yes please !!"

The man raised an eyebrow and glanced at the others. There was Viper, Phantom, and little Sumira, seated at one of the tables, a messy board game in front of them.

"Red," Viper growled, "Static is probably here to take something. What does the boss need?"

Static shook his head though. Lord had asked nothing. He really wanted to join the game, but his inability to speak would bother he couldn't read or write Japanese. However, Yūshō finally lets go of him, to grab his arm and pull him towards the table.

"If you have nothing to do, come play!" he demanded.

"Red," Phantom called, "maybe he doesn't want to."

As they approached, Static noticed that it was the English edition of "The Game of Life". In this case, he could perfectly understand what was written but there was another problem. As Phantom tried to figure out if he might be too busy to join their game, Static simply put his finger on the box, pointing to the indication "two to four players". Then he pointed to Phantom, Viper, Sumira, then Red, and shrugged.

"I don't play," Sumira announced, "I just watch dad play."

The little girl actually had a small portable console in her hands. Static simply nodded and took a seat next to her, across from Viper. Red preferred to throw himself on Phantom and Viper's lap.

"Red," Viper growled again, "you're heavy!"

"It's great here!" replied the teenager, laughing.

"You're not going to be able to play in this position," Phantom assured more calmly, "straighten up."

It took them a little time, but they managed to make him sit more or less straight, leaning against the invisible. They hadn't started their game at all before Static arrived. Red simply laughed at his own pranks, constantly annoying the two adults. They didn't necessarily seem to hold it against him. He had grown up in a cage. It was normal for him to be excited at the slightest activity that was unfamiliar to him. However, he had a lot of trouble staying focused on the game. He was distracted by the smallest thing and Phantom explained to him again what he had to do at each turn.

"I never asked you," Viper snapped suddenly, "but did Sumira has a power?"

"Good question," Phantom replied, "honey, do you have a power?"

"I don't know," assured the child, shrugging her shoulders, "I never tried."

"Some powers aren't exactly easy to spot," Viper said, "be careful though, princess. If it's something like me, you could hurt someone you love. If you don't have any, that would be better."

"Have you hurt someone you love?" Asked Phantom.

"'s your turn."

The invisible turned his head towards Red, who passed him the little card machine. Obviously, Viper didn't want to talk about it. He therefore preferred not to ask any more questions and to continue. Red was quick to lose, as they might expect. Eventually, Static won the game.

"I really thought I would win," Viper mumbled as he gathered the cards, "well, it's just a game."

"Remind me never to trust Red with money," Phantom said, rubbing the teen's head, "I don't think he's even capable of learning how to handle it."

Red stuck his tongue out at him before calling for another game. Static preferred to stand up and greet them. He had been gone too long. Maybe Lord needed him now.


The first year students were in training. For the exercise of the day, they were not fighting robots but their comrades. They always had to learn to limit themselves so as not to kill an opponent.

Nanaya had found himself facing Oshima Shihi from Darkeas. His villainous name was Titanio. It could grow up to a hundred meters high but his size and the time limit to stay there depended on the amount of food he had absorbed before. This was why he was often seen with food in his hands.

He deliberately didn't use his maximum size for their fight, in order to limit the damage, but his fifteen meters were impressive all the same. It was an interesting power and he was taking combat lessons, but against a much smaller, ice-bending foe, he couldn't do much. Nanaya, under his Frosty Kitty transformation, quickly froze his legs with a layer of ice thick enough to prevent him from moving. After a few attempts, Titanio had given up on his loss of energy. When he returned to his original size, his usually plump body had lost at least ten kilos.

Leaving the training room to make way for the next duel, Nanaya went to see his opponent.

"Are you okay, Oshima-san?" He asked, "you look exhausted...sorry."

"Hey, don't apologize Uchiri-san," Shihi said, "I have to get used to it or I'll never be able to fight a real fight."

"You're getting better at controlling your power," Mineko interrupted when they came up to her, "you're amazing Nana-chan!"

"Thank you," the magical boy replied humbly, "but I still have a lot to do... Oshima-san, let me get you something from the vending machine when we get back."

Shihi gratefully accepted. He really needed to eat.

 He really needed to eat

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