Chapter 36

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The day before the festival, in the morning, the students were still in their preparations. Around ten in the morning, Phen-X came to call Nanaya. He landed in the center of the gang, with Nakamara's son, and turned on his cell phone on the live news. Journalists were covering the businessman's release from prison. The various points of view shared by the numerous cameras presented the entrance to the prison. The Uchiri family limousine was visible in some shots and Thoki was waiting nearby. As always, he had come looking for Nakamara, ready to quickly remove him from the crowd of curious people.

He had to run towards the entrance when he saw the man arrive, to pass the reporters and greet him as soon as he left. Nakamara looked tired. Bruises and various wounds were visible on his face and more must have covered his body. Even without hearing them, Nanaya did see the guards say something to him with a smirk as they opened the gate for her. Nakamara gritted his teeth and was immediately picked up by Thoki. He was trying as best he could not to show his weakness in front of the crowd of cameras that lay in wait for him. He stood up straight despite the pain, just ignoring the questions and walking his butler to the car.

The media envoys followed him without stopping asking questions, tirelessly. Nakamara grimaced. They were all addressed to "Experion". He couldn't take any more. As Thoki opened the car door for him, he stopped. He took a deep breath to give himself the momentum to ignore his shaking legs and the pains he was feeling. Then he turned to face the men and women who wanted a single word from him so badly. The mob, however, parted in a panic. He was visibly annoyed and everyone was obviously concerned that he had unleashed a possible Experion attack. Nakamara couldn't help but a mocking smile, but motioned silently to them to approach.

They all seemed surprised and particularly excited to be able to question him, he who had never denied answering any interview, even before revealing his identity. The questions all resumed at the same time.

"Shut up !" The man scolded.

They were again silenced. Nakamara eyed them for a moment to make sure none of them spoke. The microphones were stretched out towards him, at arm's length as if they were bombs. Nakamara sighed and took just a step forward.

"I would like things to be clear." He simply said. "Experion is dead. Don't refer to me by that name anymore. "

He left them standing there and finally entered the vehicle whose door Thoki immediately closed behind him, before going to the driver's seat. The journalists didn't even try to find out more. Shocked and stunned by this news.

In S.D.A.'s courtyard, the group of friends and the nurse had the same reaction. Nanaya had told them that his father was stopping his evil genius activity, but no one expected to attend a public announcement. Phen-X cut his cell phone as the various reporters started talking about the revelation.

"It was unexpected." Declared the adult.

"They deserve it, in a way." Kenji added. "Did you hear the questions they were asking him? And from what I've seen before, it was like that every time. Normal for him to be on edge."

"Absolutely. Nanaya, he should be at the mansion around noon. I'll ask Shadow and Starlight if we can go home for the break. You can offer him your surprise."

"Of course !" Confirmed the teenager. "We don't have anything more to brew for coffee anyway, and the rehearsals of the play are over."

"You should think about doing theater." Tomeo added. "You're pretty good."

"You too."

"I have no merit, I have been revising my text for several months. You had just two weeks."

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