Chapter 78

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Yuto almost rocked the poor boy forward, until he had to fall. She glared at the twins, as they couldn't stop laughing, then stared at Darkeas's student again.

"Go ahead !" Yuto growled in an aggressive tone contrasting way too much with her cute voice." Explain yourself !"

"Chill, mate," the young man moaned, "it's an accident!"

"Grouille !!"

The boy straightened up, visibly terrified. He already had a bruise on his cheek. Nanaya had crossed paths with him several times in training. He recognized his red eyes and gray dreasdlocks. His name was Ogataka Kusu and his villain name was Switcher. But he never used his power during exercise.

"Um..." Kusu hesitated, "there was a little accident..."

"An accident ?" Kenji wondered as he glanced worriedly at Kotaro, "what kind?"

"I tripped and ran into these two. "

He pointed to Yuto and Kotaro. The girl grimaced.

"And my power released," he continued, "but I didn't want to!"

"What's your power?" Mineko asked.

"By touching two people I can swap their bodies..."

"You mean..."

"I'm Kotaro!" Yuto growled.

"And... and I... Yuto..." breathed Kotaro who seemed about to burst into tears.

"Amaretto-sensei went to warn the directors," Enko explained, "Ogataka's power lasts twenty-four hours. So it will be complicated for the dormitories and... the showers."

Kotaro, in Yuto's body growled. He was out of the question for him to mix with girls, it wasn't right, but he couldn't decently expose Yuto's body to the other boys like nothing had happened. It was the same with her.

"You can use mine," Nanaya said innocently, "since I don't share it with anyone."

Yuto, in Kotaro's body, hid her face in her hands, stammering incomprehensible things. For his part, Kotaro in Yuto's body, growled, asking her to speak distinctly. Their behaviors were so different that it was very strange to see them like that.

But Nanaya's proposal wasn't such a bad idea. His guardian and Yuto's would both be there to make sure there was no problem.

When Amaretto arrived accompanied by Starlight, Shadow, Bunny and Nakamara, he explained the situation again and Nanaya repeated his idea, adding that they could even sleep in his room, to avoid being in the wrong dorms. At first reluctant, Nakamara eventually agreed when Kotaro, in Yuto's body, growled that they would sleep under the kotatsu and the two guards assured them that they were going to watch them.

For the next day's classes, the powers being part of the body, they had also exchanged. Kotaro was therefore going to take the magical girl class and take notes so that Yuto could catch up, and vice versa. Luckily, neither class had planned any training.

Monaka offered to get a spare uniform from Kotaro's belongings and Mineko assured that she would get one of Yuto's back.

"Who's on duty for Aitori tonight," Nakamara asked.

"Me !" A voice cut off.

A young woman was approaching. Blue hair, one green eye and the other orange, an orange and black outfit with butterfly wings on her back, it was Hanahaki, a professor of criminology at Aitori. Her oddly shaped guardian had given her a very peculiar and deadly power. By blowing pollen on her opponents, she affected them with Hanahaki's disease. Their first symptoms were to spit out blood and petals. If they were not treated quickly, roses would start to grow on their bodies and inside, inevitably causing their death after a few days. Luckily, the disease could be cured with three tablespoons of pure honey.

Having attended school after Nakamara, she introduced herself to him before he took her aside to talk to her. It was not hard to guess that he was asking for close surveillance for his son's room.

The situation therefore calmed down after these decisions. Kotaro was particularly irritated to be in Yuto's body and was screaming more than usual. Yuto for her part was mostly embarrassed, and terrified. Just the thought of having to take a shower in that body, a boy's body, scared her. She had never seen one.

"Doesn't seem to bother you, doggie," Tomeo said as they settled down on the sofas in Aitori's lobby, "have you ever seen naked women? I thought you were gay."

"That's exactly why I saw it!" Kotaro growled through Yuto's thin voice, "my dad was forcing me to watch adult stuff to, as he said, make me a man!"

He mimicked vomiting. It had made him more disgusted than anything else. Without counting that his father had started this annoying mania quite early.

"Speaking of a related subject," Kotaro growled then, "Snow White, what's wrong with your underwear ?!"

Yuto in Kotaro's body blushed and tried to hide behind her arms. She stammered a few incomprehensible words, but everyone seemed to understand that she was asking not to speak about this subject in public, which was understandable.

"I don't give a fuck !!!" Kotaro exclaimed again. "I can barely breathe, you wear a bra that's at least two cups less than you should!"

"Do you know this?" Monaka pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

"My mom used to send me out for groceries, including underwear, when she was sick. So yeah, I had to learn the cup sizes! So Snow White ?! You're not going to tell me that a G cup is hard to find !!"

"I... I... it's... F..." Yuto stammered.

"And your bra?"

"... it's ... it's ... private ..."

"I don't fucking care! I'm going to have to endure this for twenty-four hours, shit !!"

"... it's C..."

"You're totally nuts !!"

"... that's ... that's why ... they look ... m ... less fat ..."

Not caring to hit his own body, Kotaro slapped her behind the head.

"It's your fault, Kot-chan." Suddenly cut Nanaya while eating a dorayaki.

"HEH?!?! HOW IS IT MY FAULT?!?!" Kotaro yelled, furious.

"Soma-chan has been in the same than us class since kindergarten. When we got to college, you started to nickname her Airbag. "

Kotaro  shut himself. He glanced at his own body next to it, then lowered his head to only see the opulent breasts that made it impossible to even see his feet. He seemed to think for a moment, before grabbing a strand of red hair.

"Don't mess with me!" He growled. "Airbag had black hair!"

"M ... my mother ..." Yuto whispered. "She hated my hair... because... because I... got it from my... father... so.... So she... forced me to... dye them..."

Kenji could see the same phenomenon on Yuto's body currently inhabited by Kotaro. His ears began to redden with guilt. He just sat down ruminating, his arms crossed, without apologizing, just remembering one last time that she absolutely had to buy underwear in her size.

 He just sat down ruminating, his arms crossed, without apologizing, just remembering one last time that she absolutely had to buy underwear in her size

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