Chapter 55

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Nanaya noticed the cracked ground in the different places where their powers had met. The thermal shock caused tremors. If they were to make the temperatures even more extreme, they could easily detonate the whole area. He shouldn't get carried away. The nearest dwellings could not be reached by their current struggle, but if things got worse, there could be casualties.

He couldn't afford to analyze further. Volcano was on the attack again. Rather than stopping it with ice, Nanaya slid out of it, letting the lava crash into the car. He winced in his sudden movement. The man laughed.

"Look at you!" He mocked. "You barely stand! Give up now, you are no match! "

Nanaya gritted his teeth. He couldn't afford it. Not until help was there. Perhaps he could manage to immobilize it if he could create a structure more useful than a simple wall.

Seeing that his young opponent wasn't about to give up, Volcano winced. He who had hoped to end it soon, he had not foreseen this setback at all. His anger literally made him boil as the lava poured more abundantly out of his body, covering the ground around him. He led it over and lifted it up, forming almost like a snake he sent over the teenager.

Nanaya hid behind an icy barrier again, feeling the ground crack under his feet. An idea occurred to him. He could only create walls and blocks, but he could use them. He moved away from the one swooping in front of him and put his hands on the ground. Columns of ice erupted, one after another, to Volcano. If he could surround him, he could slow him down enough.

The adult skillfully avoided the structures but had no trouble understanding what the younger was trying to do. Furious, he took a few seconds to think and walked straight to the columns that appeared. He arrives just in time on one that was just springing from the ground and uses it to propel himself towards the teenager.

Hyokko called out to his human but Nanaya just had time to cover himself in gel so as not to burn alive. He was thrown again, this time towards the forest which bordered the road, in front of the cemetery. His run came to a halt against a tree, hitting his already aching back hard. He collapsed in the grass. He must have had a few broken bones. He couldn't move, wincing.

This time Volcano was sure of himself, the kid was out of shape. He laughed loudly and walked towards the cemetery, determined this time to annihilate his rival.

Nanaya looked up to see only his opponent's back, advancing towards the previously created wall. He tried to sit up, moaning in pain.

"N~ Nanaya!" Hyokko worried. "Don't move ! Help will certainly... arrive very quickly!"

"Not... enough... I wouldn't let him... hurt my father... not now that I can finally... have... more good times with him..."

He managed to pull himself up onto his shaking arms. The pain made him vomit. One more effort and he managed to get to his feet, on legs as shaking as those of a young fawn.

He took a step and nearly fell back.

"No... stay... AWAY!!!! "

He launched forward. At his scream, Volcano turned, annoyed. As soon as Nanaya's hand touched the ground again, spikes shot out between them. The adult took one in the face, barely protected by its cold lava. He fell backwards as the spikes continued to appear to reinforce the wall that protected the cemetery.

Nanaya was on his knees, the pain making his wheeze. Volcano stood up. His rocky armor was crumbling where the spike had hit him, revealing an orange eye and particularly dry, reddened and scaled skin. It seemed to crack in places, chapping from severe dehydration.

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