Chapter 27

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In the weeks that followed, for training at the simulation complex, the teachers now refrained from putting Nanaya and Kotaro on the same exercise in order to avoid further incidents.

Kotaro didn't really remember confiding in the nurse, and the nurse didn't bother to remind him. But on the day he left for the Christmas break, Phen-X couldn't help but stand at the main gates, ready to step in if anything went wrong. Nanaya had retrieved his Darkeas uniform, given to Shadow earlier this year, and Thoki had come to pick him up on a motorbike. Kenji had simply left with his brother to join their family. For Kotaro, it was his mother, alone, who had come. He seemed to get along pretty well with her, and was even quite polite and respectful unlike usual. 

Phen-X was reassured. Kotaro looked very close to his mother who accepted him for who he was. The nurse just watched them go before heading back inside. He lived here. He usually celebrated this moment alone, but this year Hyokko was with him. Nanaya couldn't afford to take him to his father's mansion and reveal what school he was in.

When the motorbike pulled to a halt in the mansion's courtyard, Nanaya had barely alighted when four huge Dobermans threw themselves happily at him.

"Calm down." Ordered Thoki calmly, removing his helmet. "You are going to dirty the master's uniform."

He simply clapped his hands to bring order to the animals.

"Kireina has put on weight." The teenager remarked, stroking one of the two females.

"Because we'll have new little guardians soon." Assured the butler with a smile.

"Nanaya. "

The boy looked up, suddenly more tense, towards his father. He had just walked through the front door. Always elegant and well-groomed, standing straight. His icy eyes plunged into those of his son.

"Go change yourself." He simply said. "We are invited to a gala tonight."

"Heh...? But father, I never go with you."

"How was the food in the school?"

"...It was..."

"Do you know why I never fed you properly cooked and seasoned meals?"

"... because eating is an obligation, it doesn't have to be ~"



Nakamara sighed, motioning for his son to approach. He simply put his hand on his shoulder and pulled his inside.

"It's because so," he continued. "When Experion gets arrested, and it is bound to happen to you ... prison food will be less painful to swallow. But now that you've had real meals, we're going to continue like this. I didn't take you to parties before because they served particularly delicate foods there. Now go get ready. Thoki will help you."

Nanaya just nodded silently and walked to his room with the butler. The immortal then presented him with an elegant evening suit that his father had bought especially for him. He had asked him to prepare a bit in advance so that Thoki could make modifications if necessary, but it was perfectly cut. He didn't have a matching coat, though, and as he walked through the entrance to the mansion to join his father by the limo, he rubbed his arms. Nakamara removed his own coat to rest it on his son's shoulders, before entering the vehicle Thoki opened for them.

" Your hair." The father called as Nanaya settled in. "It's not suitable. I'll tie them up."


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