Chapter 29

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The small group had continued to chat over the phone for the remainder of the vacation, not to mention the incident. Kenji just texted them and just told them he was sorry, to which they simply replied that he didn't have to be.

When classes resumed, most of the students had only two things in mind: The end-of-year exams, but also and above all the festival. Visitors, parents or not, always expected something grand from the S.D.A. complex. Each class had to think of an animation for this special day. The upper classes already had ideas, but the early years had absolutely no idea what to do.

The small group hung out for a while after class. Nanaya and Rena weren't with them. In contrast, the twins were happily discussing their different ideas. A student in their class, Morihama Enko, was also with them but could not agree with the twins. Despite Kotaro's refusal, Ogami Tomeo was also chatting with them.

"Our class will be setting up play stands in the yard." Kenji explained. "It seems to me that the fourth years provided for friendly duels. Do you already have an idea?"

"Our class can't come to an agreement." Mineko lamented. "Some wanted to do a cosplay cafe, but not all of us watch manga."

"Why not a maids cafe then?"

"... are you saying that just hoping to see Nanaya in this outfit?"

"I didn't even think about it."

"Liar." Kotaro muttered.

"You can talk. Where is he elsewhere?"

"Katagiri-chan asked him something at the end of class." Explained the blonde. "I don't know what, I still don't understand the whole sign language."

"I just got started." Tomeo remarked.

"It was not necessary." Growled Kotaro.

"It seems important to me."

"Why ? Apologize when you collapse a building on a deaf person?"

"You don't forgive me, eh ..."

"How could I ?!"

"By telling yourself that you may have already acted out of anger without thinking about your actions or the consequences? My parents are exhausted from having to support my cousin. I held Uchiri-san responsible, but I was wrong."

"I.Don't.Give.A.Fuck !"

"Ah! Here they are !" Mineko exclaimed.

She waved to them. Rena seemed annoyed though, and came to stand in front of Kotaro, waving quickly.

"Woah, slow down, mute!" Kotaro growled, grabbing her wrists. "I do not understand !"

She had been able to read his lips, calmed down, and started again more slowly. Kotaro raised an eyebrow in annoyance. He looked several times from Mineko to Rena before sighing.

"Hey, Blondie." He called.

"I have a name..." the girl mumbled.

"Mute wants to go out with you."

Mineko gasped in surprise as the twins marveled at the girl's courage. Enko clapped her gloved hands, smiling and Kenji laughed nervously, wondering if she really wanted him to be so blunt.

"Well, is the lady giving us an answer ?" Tomeo asked.

"Shut up." Kotaro immediately growled.

"... Shime-kun." Mineko muttered, her cheeks flushed. "Is that really what she said?"


"Why did she ask you?"

"Because Nana-chan didn't understand."

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