Chapter 42

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Back to S.D.A. the next day the twins were immediately assaulted by an enraged Kotaro. Kenji and the girls were calmer, but visibly angry too, while Tomeo just smirked. Nanaya had texted his friends the night before that he was coming back to the mansion for the night with the twins, and they all had a terrible hunch. Especially since their friend had turned off his phone all evening. Nanaya finally stopped Kotaro from hitting them by simply recounting their evening.

Kotaro changed from threats to mockery when he learned that the twins had been terrified of the films they had chosen for themselves.

"Serves you right!" He said. "You will think twice!"

"Shime-san, that's not cool." Haru complained.

"It's not like we kissed him." Mumbled Jun. "We just wanted to introduce our bumblebee to the cinema."

"YOUR WHAT ?!" Kotaro exclaimed.

Jun put a hand over his mouth. Kenji raised an eyebrow, surprised by the nickname.

"It's..." Haru rushed in. "He showed us his beehives and everything ... so that's a nickname that suits him ..."

"Do you have beehives, Nana-chan ?!" Mineko exclaimed. "Why didn't you show them to us when we came?"

"It was winter." Simply replied their comrade. "I'm not going to take them out when it's too cold."

"I want to see them !"

"I'm not going to bring Thoki back... come all over next weekend to see them."

"I pass." Tomeo muttered.

"Why ?"

"... I never really liked bugs like this."

"AH!" Kotaro exclaimed. "You are scared ?!"

"Yes. What? Did you think I was going to try to deny it? It's no use. I'm allergic to most bug sting so growing up I developed a phobia. I imagine this is normal."

"You should come anyway." Said Nanaya. "Maybe that could make you change your mind ... "

Tomeo chuckled and smirked.

"Wait a minute while I swing you in the pool." He joked. "Maybe you won't be afraid of water anymore?"

"...Oh sorry."

"Actually, you're right. You have to face your fear to overcome it. But only when you feel ready. It's not my case."

"Stop flirting, bulldozer !!!" Kotaro cut.

Tomeo smiled and presented his middle finger for only answer.

They hung out together for this Sunday, between the courtyard, the library and the roof. Enko had also spent her Saturday night at home, to bring back her mp4 player and play some music for Nanaya. He asked a lot of questions about some of the lyrics that he didn't understand the meaning of, but his friends just assured him to care about the rhythm. They also watched the other students coming and going together, trying to guess the power of those they didn't know. It was Mineko who had started this "game" the previous year. Of course, physical mutations, like extra arms or unusual shapes, were easily spotted, but most did not have an appearance that represented their ability and some physical peculiarities added to a power, as with the sharp teeth of Kenji.

Weeks passed between lessons and training. Kotaro was having a little trouble adjusting to hero school, his temper remaining particularly aggressive. He and Kenji had started watching the twins closely, casually. If Nanaya hadn't realized it, the girls would have noticed and often blamed them for it. Haru and Jun hadn't done anything wrong, after all. Kenji remained fairly calm and just called the brothers to order when he felt they were going a little too far, but Kotaro, as usual, became enraged at the slightest attention they paid to Nanaya.

It almost made them forget that someone else wanted to be closer to the young man. Tomeo took the opportunity. One Sunday when Nanaya was thinking of settling on the roof to listen to some music offered by Enko, he called out to him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, Uchiri-san." Tomeo called.

"I told you to call me Nanaya." Simply replied his comrade, turning around.

"I know, but I get slapped by everyone else if I do."

"I wonder why... they do it too..."

"Who knows." Tomeo joked with a smirk.

"Did you want something?"

"Yes. You've never been to a fair, I guess?"

"A fair... ? I think Orio-chan told me about it. It's ... it's kind of like our festival, isn't it?"

"More or less. With more attractions. There is one who moved to town. Wouldn't you like to find out?"

"Oh... yes, of course! Maybe everyone will want to come?"

"It seems to me that Orio-chan and Katagiri-chan are on a date. Hase-san is helping the chihuahua catch up on hero lessons he missed last year and I'm sure I heard Morihama-chan say she was going to have the twins reviewed because their grades are so bad."

"So they can't come?"

"No. But that doesn't have to stop you from having a little fun, right? And then it'll catch up on the weekend when you took everyone to the mansion to see your bees. Since I wasn't there ..."

"You didn't want to come."

"I did not say the contrary. So ? I saw Fishy-sensei in the lobby, we can ask for an exit permit."

He smiled and held out his hand. Nanaya hesitated for a moment, wondering if he shouldn't invite the others to come anyway, then, finally, slipped his hand into Tomeo's.

His comrade smiled even more and led him downstairs. Fishy gave Tomeo a questioning look when he asked for permission.

"Ogami-san..." muttered the professor. "You and Uchiri-san? Really ?"

"A problem ?"

"You almost killed him, that's the problem. It is normal that I hesitate to allow a visit to the fair just between the two of you."

"I apologized more than reasons. I just want to catch up. And hang out with him a little bit, get to know him, you know. Let's be serious, I'm in Saurity. I want to become a hero. And Nanaya wants to check out the fair, right, babe?"

The young man gasped in surprise at the new nickname, but only nodded.

"I would be there anyway!" Hyokko assured who seemed just as suspicious.

"You weren't a big help last time." Fishy muttered as he signed the paper.

Hyokko pouted, annoyed. Tomeo thanked the teacher and retrieved the sheet, before taking Nanaya's hand and heading for the exit.

Luckily the bus was right there. They just had to run a bit to make sure they reached him before the doors closed.

Nanaya opened his eyes wide as she arrived at the fair, seeing the various stalls and attractions. He didn't know where to look. Tomeo found his reaction funny. He had at least managed to put some emotion on the young man's usually impassive face. He grabbed his hand again, oblivious to the look the guardian was giving him, and smiled at Nanaya.

"So, babe." He said. "What do you want to try first?"

 "What do you want to try first?"

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