Chapter 62

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"Hm... Chichi-chan? You're not super light, you know? "

Kotaro growled and weakly opened his eyes. His gaze fell on all his roommates, all wide awake but still in their pajamas. The twins giggled. Monaka, Tomeo and Rakko looked puzzled. And Nanaya looked both surprised and tender at the same time, a very slight smile on his lips. The guardian was staring at him too, looking bewildered.

"What?" Kotaro muttered, annoyed. 

Haru and Jun burst out laughing this time. Wanting to stand up, Kotaro then realized the situation. Looking up, he found himself face to face with Kenji, on whom he was half lying.

He drew back with a cry of surprise, so abruptly that he crashed into the cupboard.

"Shhh!" Growled Monaka. "The others are still sleeping!"

"I don't give a fuck!" Growled Kotaro, red with shame.

"What were you doing in my bed?" Kenji asked, sitting up with an amused smile. "You had to say it if you needed a hug."

"Shut up, shark !!! You were in the middle of a crisis! I fell asleep like that, that's all !!"

The redhead lost his smile and glanced at the four who didn't know.

"A crisis ?" Monaka wondered.

"Are you having problems, Hase-san?" Tomeo asked. 

Kenji was silent. He didn't want to explain, to tell his story, to talk about his brother.

"Sleep paralysis." Kotaro caught up as he stood up." A side effect of his sleeping pill. I woke up because I was thirsty, saw he was having a seizure, tried to calm him down, that's all! It's super hot and his panic unleashed his power so since I was cool, I must have fallen asleep."

"Ah, yes..." Kenji muttered, feeling his water-soaked mattress. "I don't even pay attention to it anymore."

"Damn," Monaka muttered. "Can't you change your sleeping pills, Hase-san?"

"No... don't worry, that doesn't happen often."

He gave them a big reassuring smile and the door swung open at that moment, onto Amaretto.

"What are you doing ?!" The professor exclaimed. "You have woken up all the adjoining rooms! Not all your comrades need to get up so early!"

"Sorry, Sensei!" Apologized Monaka.

"Aren't you even dressed yet ?! The girls are already ready! Hurry, we'll be waiting for you in the cafeteria!"

They all nodded in agreement and quickly picked up their things. Hyokko fluttered around Nanaya's bag.

"I'm taking care of it !" The guardian said. "Go take your shower, I prepare the necessary for the hike during this time."

"You are adorable." Nanaya said with a slight smile.

He had said it in a rather monotonous voice, in a futile attempt to imitate Mineko's compliments, but he really meant it, poking the creature's cheek before going to take a shower.

"You get along better." Kenji remarked after a moment of silence.

"Obviously!" Hyokko replied, preparing his human's bag. "That's why he's more and more in control of his power."

"He did well in training yesterday." Rakko assured taking his shower things. "I'm sure he could fight Volcano again and get away with it without a scratch. Did you see the huge spikes he materialized?"

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