Chapter 11

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Nanaya had just put his uniforms in the closet when there was a knock on the door. Mineko's voice was heard.

" So ?" She asked. "How's your bedroom ?"

"Enter." Nanaya said. "I will copy the course right away and return your notebook to you. "

She pushed open the door and her eyes widened. She found the play absolutely amazing. Unlike the young man who hadn't had any visible reaction to his furnishings. She was equally amazed by the presence of a tub in the bathroom.

"I'm not going to use it," Nanaya muttered as he sat down at the Kotatsu.

"Why ?"

"... A shower is faster. "

He took out the notebooks, his pen, and began to copy out what Mineko had written. The young girl looked at him for a moment before deciding to speak.

" How it happened ? "

Nanaya looked up. She gave him an embarrassed smile and pointed to her own right eye.

"Your injury..." she mumbled. "Was it ... your father who did this?"

"" The boy simply said, leaning over his notebook again. "My dad did the prosthesis to replace my eye."

"And how..."

"And you ? Are your parents heroes? "

Mineko gasped in surprise and laughed.

" Oh no !" She assured. "No one has ever had powers in my family. My mother is just a security guard, and my father is a worker in a local factory. He often plays cash games hoping to hit the jackpot. We lose more than he wins but my mom can't blame him for that. You know, he's a big dreamer."

"He should work at Uchiri Corporation."

"Your father's business? I... I'm not sure he wants to work for... well... it's Experion."


"He publicly revealed himself!

"Yes. It's him. But it's not the same person. Experion only uses his robots. My dad hires a lot and you can ask any of his employees, none of them want to leave his business. He pays well and the working conditions favor the well-being of the workers. Father believes that if an employee does not feel understood, properly treated or safe in his position, he will work poorly. That's why I'm telling you that Uchiri Nakamara and Experion are not the same person. "

Mineko remained silent. Since Uchiri Nakamara had publicly announced that he was Experion, and had even proven it, twenty years ago, there were many rumors that his employees were slaves forced to work for his evil purposes. She didn't think she could actually convince her own father, but she could talk to him about it.

Nanaya was just finishing writing when laughter reached them from the hallway. Amused laughter, but that Nanaya knew all too well. He felt disdain there. Some students were clearly making fun of another. He stood up without a word and put the notebook in Mineko's hands.

"I finished." He simply said. 

He opened his door to see what was going on outside.

As he had guessed, a group of three third graders laughed at another who was in his class. Nanaya hadn't really cared about it. He did not looked at the others as they crossed the Torii. But he was sure he saw her sitting in the front row in class. All the magical girls usually let their hair grow out to make so-called cute quilts or hairstyles. This one did not go unnoticed by her short hair. The three girls shouted at her about this fact. That with this hairstyle, she couldn't pretend to be a real magical girl. They pushed away the younger one on the ground. Then they mentioned what made Nanaya take action. They claimed that, being deaf and mute, the young girl could not even understand her guardian. How could she hope to use her power? The guardian in question, a chameleon, tried to defend the human by making sure they could understand each other perfectly, but the girl in the center of the group waved him aside.

Magical Boy ~ English versionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin