Chapter 35

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Despite the holidays well underway and the wearing of their casual clothes, the students of the S.D.A. were in the compound, reorganizing everything that had been ruined by the Experion attack. The three principals had agreed, if the students were okay with it, to simply postpone the festival which could not have taken place. There were no waivers. The later years wanted their graduation and the younger ones didn't want to see all their efforts wasted. Only a few had already planned a vacation with their families and were therefore excused.

At Nanaya's request, Starlight had announced the new date exactly one month apart, just before the next school year. The young magical boy wanted his father to be present. So the students had plenty of time to fix what had been destroyed and improve what they hadn't had time to finish. They were allowed to go home at night, unlike the rest of the year, but could also stay in the dormitories as they chose. Nanaya would return to the mansion with Phen-X at the end of each day and return with him the next day. He had been surprised to learn that the nurse was moving in with them, but Thoki didn't have to explain much to him. Since Rena and Mineko got together, he had learned what "dating" meant. So the butler had only told him about the relationship his father had had with him for a while, and that he was going to have with Teiji as well. The young man was a little surprised, but happy. His only reaction was to ask if he should call them "dad" too, which of course made both men laugh.

The refectory was not affected by the attack and the first years of Aitori therefore did not have a lot of work to do. They just helped the others, especially with the reconstruction of the pits, with additional help from their guardian.

Nanaya, Mineko, Rena, Kenji, Kotaro, the twins, Ita and Enko were giving themselves a well-deserved break enjoying some goodies from the vending machines, when Tomeo joined them.

"What does the bulldozer want?" Kotaro growled before their mate could even speak.

"... I'll take that nickname as a compliment." Tomeo replied. "I wanted to ask Nana-chan something"

"Don't call him that !!"

"Why ? Everyone gives him that nickname, right?"

"Not me." Kenji said.

"Should I call him Kitty, then?"

"If you want to die..." Kotaro growled.

"Ogami-san?" Nanaya asked. "There is a problem ?"

"Yes. You know, my class has a play planned for after graduation."

"I saw some costumes!" Ita exclaimed. "Are you going to make a tale?"

"Yes. Except that one of our comrade had planned a trip to Europe with her family and she will not be back for the new date of the festival."

"The day before the start of the school year?" Growled Kotaro.

"In fact, she will be back during the day, but with the jet lag and the trip, she does not feel able to participate. So, Nanaya, would you like to be our princess?"

Kotaro spat out the drink he was drinking and Kenji nearly choked on his dorayaki.

"I... I'm a boy." Nanaya muttered.

"I want proof." Tomeo retorted immediately with a smile.

"EXCUSE-ME ?!" Kotaro yelled. "WHAT YOU ASKED HIM ?? !!"

"You're going too far, Ogami-san." Confirmed Kenji visibly annoyed.

"Man, you should be ashamed of yourself." Haru growled.

"That's really not cool behavior." Continued Jun.

"You know he's too innocent." Enko added, hugging Nanaya.

"He would be able to accept without understanding." Mineko muttered, also angry.

"Ok, ok!" Their comrade exclaimed. "Sorry, it was just a joke. At least, for proof. We really need a princess."

"Why don't you ask a girl ?!" Kotaro choked.

"Because Yamazaki-chan is very small and very thin. The costume is already made and the only person who could fit in is currently sitting in front of me."

"Logic." Hyokko muttered.

"Besides, that's not even my idea. My class sends me. You can ask them, I see out of the corner of my eye that the girls have followed me and are spying on us through the hall door."

All heads turned to the entrance where the girls in Class 1-S stood awkwardly, completely failing their attempt at secrecy.

"They can't wait to put makeup on him." Tomeo explained with a smirk. "We really don't have time to make a new costume. Nanaya, please."

"Well..." the young man hesitated. "I imagine that..."

"A second !" Kenji cut. "A tale, eh? Who plays the prince?"

"I have that honor." Tomeo said with an amused smile.

"Kitty, refuse."

"Seriously, are you jealous? You and Shime-san have both kissed him before, haven't you?"

"Oi! Do you intend to kiss him ?!" Growled Kotaro.

"It's Sleeping Beauty. What are you going to do? Go on stage and ruin the festival a second time? It's just a play, friends, relax."

"We're not your friends." Kenji simply said.

"Come on, we can't do Sleeping Beauty without Sleeping Beauty! And there is really little time left, he still has a few lines of text to learn!"

"I will do it." Nanaya called out before the others could answer for him. "If the teachers don't mind... I'm not in your class after all."

"It's okay, Fishy-sensei knows, he's the one overseeing the show."

Nanaya stood up and the Saurity girls immediately left their hiding place to approach and drag him with her to the classroom where they rehearsed and changed. Tomeo looked at them amusedly and was about to follow them when Kotaro grabbed his arm.

"I swear !" He growled. "If you do one thing wrong, I'll force you to sleep outside for the next year."

"We're not even in the same dorms." Tomeo mocked.

"This is where you're wrong, Bulldozer! Starlight and Shadow offered to join Saurity. They offered it to me after summer camp actually. I had plenty of time to think. And since they've come to terms with my condition, you're going to have me on your back for the next three years!"

"Okay, now I can start to worry ... and what was your condition?"

"That I keep my costume as it is. I would always be Waspeed. Except that I would be a hero."

"... last I heard, you're already one, aren't you?"

"Unlike you."

"I'm not going to ruin my last chance, believe me."

"You better !"

"A real watchdog... come on, come on. I'll take you to our room."

"Why ?" Kenji asked.

"Are you really asking? Don't you want to see what the princess looks like?"

Kenji and Kotaro exchanged a look in silence, and finally, followed Tomeo. The twins and girls rushed after them, also eager to see Nanaya in his stage costume.

Despite its delay and the disaster of their first attempt, this year's festival promised to be awe-inspiring.

Despite its delay and the disaster of their first attempt, this year's festival promised to be awe-inspiring

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