Chapter 61

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The inhabitants of the floating mansion were relaxing in their own way, having moved the structure over rough seas. Some recovered from the violent shocks by staying in their rooms, others took advantage of the sun to stay on the deck, their homes now shut down and the rest occupied in the various rest rooms.

Shoko was in one, his daughter on his knees, combing his hair neatly. Kohi was standing further away, his nose in a book. It wasn't long before Yusho entered the room and, seeing the invisible occupation on the couch, rushed over to him. He had a comb in his hand.

"Heeeey! Shoko-san!" He called. "Are you combing me too?"

"You're older enough to do your own hair, and Lord told us to use our code names." Growled the ex-policeman.

"Please ! They are too long, I cannot comb my hair by myself."

"Cut them."

"Eh eh ! Mom has already tried!"

"No, Red. "

The teen pouted, sulking for a moment. Then he recovered his broad smile and turned to the young man with white hair.

"No." Kohi said before he even spoke.

"But !" Protested Yusho.

"Do I have a head to play with dolls? You are sixteen, learn to do your hair on your own!"

"You are mean ! "

The younger one stuck his tongue out at them and kept complaining about their refusal, trying to change their minds, until someone came up behind him to grab the comb in his hand and run it through his hair. Yusho smiled and sat cross-legged on the nearest chair.

Kohi and Shoko had both gone out of business, surprised, their eyes fixed on Lord himself, who had entered during the teenager's complaints. He then grabbed the comb to take it over calmly.

"If you can't cut them, you have to learn how to take care of them yourself." He breathed simply.

"Mom didn't want me to touch the comb. Too dangerous. Could sting me."

"If it were that dangerous, I would use it as a weapon. Static, takes over."

He stepped aside and let his mouth-sewn bodyguard take care of untangling the teenager's hair. He looked even taller and muscular next to the small, frail young man.

"Viper, follow me." Lord continued. "I have a mission for you, I'll tell you about the details in my office."


Nanaya had finally had a great time in the onsen, and even offered to go back the next day himself. As long as his friends were there with him, he felt much more reassured. They were now heading to the cafeteria for dinner. Almost everyone was there already and they joined the girls to discuss today's training. After this full week of friendly duels between the students the next day, and for the duration of that first weekend at camp, different activities were on. They were going to form groups and choose what they wanted to participate in. There could be as many groups as there were teachers.

Their already formed group had personally asked Phen-X to supervise them, but the principals wanted him to stay in camp, ready to treat any students who returned injured. It was therefore on Amaretto that their sights were set. As for their weekend, they had decided to opt for the mountains. On the program, a lot of walking and climbing as well as a night under the stars on Saturday evening.

That's why, as soon as their meal was swallowed up, they headed for the showers with the intention of going to bed soon after. They would then be in great shape, to leave at dawn as the professor had told them.

Magical Boy ~ English versionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن