Chapter 75

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Tomeo had turned the conversation to the food, showing Nanaya how to eat snails and marveling at Kenji's knowledge of French cuisine. The redhead gave him an amused smile.

"In fact," he said, "my great-grandfather was also French. He married a Scottish girl, with whom he had twins and a boy, my grandfather. Grandfather who married a Japanese woman who gave birth to my mother and her two sisters, triplets. And you know the rest."

"Damn, your mother exists in triplicate?" Kotaro growled with a hint of humor.

"Yep. Aunt Runase lives in Tokyo with her wife and she also has a hero's license, but she preferred to become a firefighter. Aunt Urakura does not have the license and therefore does not have the right to use her power of illusion, inherited from her mother. She remained in America after meeting her husband there. They opened their own casino there in Las Vegas."

"Are they the same height?" Tomeo asked.

"Yeah. Aunt Urakura is the only one who doesn't have shark teeth, but otherwise they're really the same. But you, Ogami, your father is brown, do you get your hair from your mother?"

"Oh... no, this is an isolated mutation, not an inheritance. Like my power. I am a deviant."

His three friends stopped to stare at him, between amazement and anger. Kotaro, right in front of him, clenched his teeth, before violently pricking his fork in his comrade's hand. Tomeo suppressed a cry as he immediately removed his hand, now marked with four small bloody holes.

"What the fuck, doggie ?!" Exclaimed the young man.

"Say it again," Kotaro just growled, pointing his fork in his face, "and I'll fucking stick it in your eye!"

Tomeo was sure Kotaro would have just confirmed the insult. After all, he hated him, didn't he? Had he finally learned to appreciate his and forgive his act during their first training together, but was too proud to admit it? Tomeo smirked.

"You know," he mumbled, "I've heard it so much that it's not really an insult to me anymore."

"Shut the fuck up !" His comrade growled again. "I swear I'm aiming for the eye next time!"

"... Yeah, ok... I don't really want to be one-eyed. I'd better go take care of this."

Just as he stood up, a loud crash rang out from beside them. His father had just fallen, knocking over the dishes he was holding. Completely ignoring his injury, Tomeo rushed towards him.

"It's okay," the adult growled, getting up, "I tripped over in ..."

He glanced behind him, but there was nothing. Nothing but this young client - Red - who was giggling, his hand over his mouth, glared at by his companion. He hadn't moved his chair, so Taruki naturally thought the teen just laugh about the fall. He was sure he felt something, which had knocked him over. He hadn't noticed that Red had grabbed his ankle, controlling just a strand of hair that he then quickly hid. Without any elastic bands, he curled his long hair into a braid, making even the slightest suspicion of his prank impossible despite Static's annoyed look.

Tomeo helped his father get up and clean up before returning to sit without even treating his injury. The adult meanwhile, apologized to the table he was supposed to serve, offering them a bottle of cider to make amends.

The four friends finished their meal after a cup of ice cream for dessert. Nanaya was sure to share his plate with Hyokko, even if he didn't need it, just for the sake of gluttony. Tomeo greeted the other three as he returned to duty, going to take an order on the terrace. Kotaro, Kenji and Nanaya had barely taken three steps down the street when they saw a famous figure.

Magical Boy ~ English versionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora