Chapter 63

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The small group had had a great evening. Mineko had taken it upon herself to light the campfire, forcing herself to limit her power and Yuyu handed out as many marshmallow as they wanted. Amaretto found the perfect situation for a horror story around the fire. The twins were quick to shake, accompanied by some of the girls. Kotaro did not fail to laugh at their fear, soon berated by Monaka and Kenji.

They had finally had a good night's sleep, ready the next day for a little workout in the morning, a lunch outside and the way home.

Kotaro made a point of commenting on Nanaya's new outfit, exactly the same as the day before but with different colors.

"I don't understand why you don't like my clothes," Nanaya muttered. "Since this year, I always wear crop tops when it's hot, and Aitori's uniform is even made of them."

"You don't usually wear shorts."

"But we're all in shorts."

"Yours is too short!"

"It's longer than Kashiwa-san's."

"Don't drag me in there!" Ita growled. "MY shorts don't make everyone drool, half-face !! "

The argument ended immediately and all eyes turned to the vampire, half astonished, half pissed off.

"What did you just call him ?!" Tomeo exclaimed.

"You have the right to give him nicknames and not me?" The young girl defended herself.

"Your nickname is hurtful!" Haru exclaimed.

"And what the hell is your problem ?!" Mumbled Jun. "Are you jealous because he's cuter than you in any outfit?"

"Waouh ... I feel really annoyed there." Ita growled, jaded.

"Shut up, breadboard!" Kotaro cut.

"Hey! This is mean! This is a sensitive subject!"

"So don't you dare insult Nanaya again!" 

The vampire pouted, annoyed at being scolded by the boy she loved. She was seething inside, laying the blame on Nanaya. She did not revive the conversation, however, Amaretto cutting it short to begin training.

After a pre-prepared picnic, they made their way home, tired. Their training had been mainly based on their ability to limit their power, for small things. The exercise had given Nanaya some ideas and he was lost in thought as he walked. When Jun complained that the water in his gourd was hot, Amaretto recalled their training theme for the day and the twin turned to face Nanaya with a smile. It was not as successful as expected, the gourd finding itself completely encased in a block of ice. He needed more training.

As they walked quietly, Kotaro noticed something.

"Oi! Blondie!" He called.

Mineko turned around in surprise.

"Do you have a jacket, a waistcoat?" Kotaro continued.

"It's so hot, I haven't had any. Why ? Are you cold ?"

"You want mine ?" Ask Nanaya. 

Kotaro shook his head and pulled a vest out of his own bag, which he handed to Mineko. She raised an eyebrow.

"Around your waist." He called out before she could say anything. "Put it on."

"I'm not sure I understand." The girl muttered.

"When you get to the complex, you should quickly wash your shorts and your underwear... and put on some pads."

The quilted blonde widened her eyes as she blushed and twisted to try to see behind her. The others confirmed, while the twins did not understand. Mineko hastened to retrieve the item of clothing, which she hung around her waist, stammering a thank you.

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