Chapter 90

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"What do you think will happen to your friend if you try something now?" »

Red chuckled as he pressed the blade a little to make a thin trickle of blood run down Nanaya's throat. He could beat him. Freeze him in place. But if he did that, Monaka would pay the price... Nanaya preferred to stay still, cursing inwardly. He hadn't bothered to look around the room before entering.

"I'm going to take that... "

He slid his hand down Nanaya's arm, down to the bracelet to remove it.

"Now," the crazed teenager scoffed, "you can open the door, Honey."

Which Nanaya did reluctantly. Several men and women were in the hallway. Monaka was on his knees, a suppressor collar around his neck. He looked up at Nanaya, looking sorry.

"Nana-chan..." he mumbled, "I couldn't... I could barely get in..."

"Shut up !"

The man behind him kicked the back of his head, hard enough to stun him but not enough to knock him unconscious. Nanaya clenched his fists. Were they expecting them? Thinking back, he hadn't heard any alarms after the two men left on the bridge. And he only heard footsteps but didn't see anyone until he got to that room.

Seeing his expression, one of the men laughed.

"I feel like this one got it," he scoffed, "and yes, we were expecting you. Everything has been thought out to make you go exactly where we wanted. And you have been particularly obedient."

He laughs disdainfully. Nanaya would have liked to jump on him but he couldn't. Since they had been so predictable, they had to use it. They had to know where Kōtarō was.

"You can leave it to us now kid," another shot at Red, grabbing Nanaya by the arm, "we're taking them away."

"Heh?!" Yūshō said indignantly, "but I can still-"

"These are the orders. Don't stay in our way."

Red let go of the magical boy with some reluctance. They had been particularly dry. They clearly didn't take him seriously. Red pouted as he watched them drag their two prisoners after tying their hands behind their backs. He leaned against the wall, sullen, licking Nanaya's blood off his hand.

The goons forcibly dragged Nanaya and Monaka to a lower second floor. Specifically, to their throne room. The other five were already there, forced to kneel on the ground, a suppressor around their necks. Monaka was forcefully placed next to their friends and Hyokko was thrown into a small cage, but Nanaya had to move a little further before he was finally brought to his knees as well. The man moved away from him. To take the bracelet to their boss.

Lord stood facing the bay window and therefore with his back to them. He picked up the jewel and looked at it.

"You were so predictable," he scoffed softly, "did you really think I accidentally left his phone on? And my main target moved on its own."

He finally faced them. Nanaya gasped in surprise when he saw the almost exact copy of his own father.

"Who..." he muttered, "are you...?"

"Lord," the man replied simply with a smile, "surely you have heard of me before. I know how much your father looked for me. So I think introductions are not necessary. Did you really think it would be so easy to come after me?"

Nanaya grimaced. If he had known it was Lord... no, he would still have come.

"Where's Kot-chan?!" Nanaya then exclaimed angrily.

"Oh, that's right," replied Lord, "I had almost forgotten my bait."

He gestured to the others. In no time, something, or rather someone, was thrown next to Nanaya.

Kōtarō was in a sad state. Shirtless, his body was covered in bruises. He looked like he had two broken fingers and probably a few ribs. He wasn't even wearing a suppressor or any ties. His eyes were half open but he seemed completely unconscious. Nanaya panicked, trying to call him.

"He hears you," Lord explained, "he can see too, normally. But I don't think he understands the situation. You see, he helped me a lot. I had a few new drugs to test. He is currently in a paralyzing state of confusion. I didn't even expect such good results. This little marvel will be all the rage with clandestine brothels. Enough to properly train their whores who are a little too reluctant. But that, I'll let you find out."

Kenji cursed indignantly. Lord stooped down to Nanaya and grabbed his face to force him to look at him.

"It's nice of you to bring me new goods," he whispered, "you really should have come alone. It's true that you are a choice piece."

He released his grip and instead brushed the hair down on his left side.

"You have a beautiful face and delicate features," he continued, moving his hand to the right, "it's a shame you're unsalable!" 

He finally freed the wick that hide the mechanical eye. He ran his fingers over it, seeming to observe the mechanics.

"Nice work I imagine," he commented, "I've never been good with technology. I prefer biology. Hm..."

He tapped the fasteners and looked in more detail. The damaged skin around reminded him of something...he had seen wounds like this before. But how could Meltdown be responsible for this? She wasn't supposed to know the Uchiri.

He finally cracked a smile.

"It's on, right?" he guessed. "Are you recording? Are you capturing evidence? I know you have this kind of features. Heh. Grit your teeth. I can't take any risks."

He put a hand on his shoulder to hold him, sliding his fingers over the edges of the prosthesis. Nanaya understood what he was about to do.

"W-wait..." he begged, "not that...don't do that-!" 

His words choked into a scream as Lord tugged at the machinery to tear it out of his face. The ties took away a little skin and flesh and the cables came loose. Nanaya didn't remember ever having been in so much pain. Not even when his mother had melted his face. Not even when his father had fitted the prosthesis.

The cables connected to his nerves had been pulled before disconnecting themselves, causing him a terrible migraine in addition to the physical pain. Blood gushed profusely from his face as Lord stared at the mechanical part now in his hand.

Nanaya vaguely heard his friends' concern. He guessed that they were trying to struggle to help him but were immediately beaten to stay in place.

Lord examined the machine for a few seconds, before vulgarly throwing it away. He bent down again to raise Nanaya's face.

"Come on," he breathed softly, "it's not like you can't make one again. And I can provide you with all the equipment you need if you stand by my side. There are things that even your father can't have..."


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