Chapter 19

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The small group had just finished their shopping and were leaving the last store. Finally, they had a head start and Nanaya had decided to offer his friends some treats, not forgetting to buy a dorayaki for Hyokko. They no longer saw many of their comrades and headed for the exit of the center.

As they reached the grand main staircase, two people ran past them. Nanaya felt a nudge in his back and didn't have time to realize he was tumbling down from the top of the stairs, just hearing two distant laughs and his friends calling for him. He had the usual instinct to shield his head, but his left arm ached really badly when he finally got downstairs. The two girls, Kenji and the professor rushed to his side.

Kotaro made a gesture to run towards him too, but turned around and used his power to catch up with those responsible. He grabbed their shirts and swung them toward the stairs. They landed just before the descent. Kotaro caught up with them in a flash and grabbed them by the collar again.

"You!" He scolded, furious. "I was sure of it !!"

"S ~ Shime-kun ?!" One of the two exclaimed. "We ... we didn't recognize you!"

"Don't talk to me like you're my friends, you jerk!"

He grabbed their faces and slammed their heads on the ground as hard as he could, totally ignoring Nanaya who was calling out to him. He didn't have time to mess them up any further, a wave out of nowhere sweeping him away from the two boys. He wanted to go back there, but found himself in complete darkness. He couldn't even make out the floor or the walls. A light appeared in front of him. The professor's luminous lure advancing towards him. It was his power. Absorb all light and become its sole source. A glow too weak to distinguish the surroundings, but sufficient to guide people in danger.

"That's enough, Shime-san." Growled the adult. "Even for a student of Darkeas, such behavior is unacceptable. You are neither a hero nor a villain, you are a student. It doesn't matter whether I'm your teacher or not. Today the five of you are under my responsibility and this violence is going to earn you whole weekends in detention."

"They have ~"

"Be happy that I didn't expell you! "

Kotaro clenched his fist. He had acted without thinking, again. But these guys had gone too far. Seeing that he wasn't about to come back, Fishy deactivated his power.

The two boys were on the ground, hands on their heads. They didn't appear to have a fracture. Luckily, Kotaro hadn't used his speed to hit even harder. Fishy grabbed Kotaro by the arm to make sure he wasn't going to hit them again and ordered an ambulance to be called as nearby pharmacy workers came to attend to the two injured. The teacher asked them to contact the school if their injury was serious, to apply appropriate punishment. They looked just stunned but instinctively shielded their heads as Kotaro walked past them.

The girls had helped Nanaya up, but his arm was starting to turn blue. Fishy took a quick look at it. He had to return immediately to take Nanaya to the infirmary.

Aitori's boy kept saying he was okay, but they were all worried. His arm looked broken. At the teacher's request, Mineko took her sarong from one of the bags to make a makeshift scarf for the ride.

He couldn't even sign for Rena, who kept asking him if he was okay. Annoyed, Kotaro told her to stop asking such silly questions.

"... do you speak sign language too?" Kenji wondered.

"Tch. I am not at S.D.A. for nothing, stupid shark!" Growled Kotaro.

"I'm not a shark ..."

"I don't give a fuck. "

Magical Boy ~ English versionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora