Chapter 51

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Nanaya was sound asleep when a huge knock on his door woke him. Hyokko panicked from his cozy cabin.

"What's this ?!" He exclaimed. "Are we being attacked ?! "

Nanaya stood up, pushing back his blankets. Was that the person responsible for all of this? Hand forward, ready to use his power, he walked to the door behind which he thought he heard low moans. But when he opened it, he found Kenji there, kneeling, shaking. In the midst of the fit, he had mechanically walked straight to Nanaya's room, but collapsed at the door, plugging his ears and sobbing. The young man immediately let his guard down and knelt down, resting his hands on his.

"Kenji-kun?" He called. "Hey... here I am... "

He helped him get up to let him in and close behind. The redhead mumbled his apologies as he snuggled up to his friend and Nanaya struggled to move him forward. He finally made it to his bed where he lay down with Kenji, hugging him as he stroked his hair.

"Everything is fine ..." repeated the boy from Aitori. "Shh ... everything is fine ... "

The sobs grew further apart, before finally stopping completely as Kenji fell asleep. Nanaya sighed. He mechanically continued to stroke his friend's flaming mane, relieved to have comforted him so quickly.

Hyokko had remained silent. He couldn't blame Kenji this time. He needed Nanaya. The creature woke up for a moment while its human fell asleep, before returning to its hut.

It was when the sun's rays pierced through the bay window that Kenji woke up. He kept his eyes half-open for a moment, trying to figure out where he was. He glanced to his right, hoping to see his cell phone, which he put down next to his pillow, but nothing. And by the way, since when did his bed have shades of beige and brown?

He finally straightened up, rubbing his eyes, finally realizing where he was. Nanaya had already been awake for a while. He was wearing his uniform bottom, but his pajama top. Sitting at his kotatsu, he seemed to be tinkering with something. He was almost completely back to the bed, so Kenji couldn't see what he was doing exactly, but there were screws lying on the table. However, he could perfectly hear his comrade humming a melody as he worked.

He made up his mind to get up and walked over, embarrassed to have woken up here.

"Hey... kitty?" He called softly. 

Nanaya jumped and let go of what he had in his hand as he turned to his older comrade. He almost immediately looked away, trying to retrieve his machine with awkward gestures.

"W~ wait ..." the young man panicked. "I will put it back ..! "

He dropped his screwdriver and almost let go of his tinkering too, when Kenji grabbed his hands to calm him down. He lifted his face to see better.

He had to detach his prosthesis to repair a faulty functionality. His face was therefore completely exposed. The empty orbit had not been closed, and two cables, presumably connected to his optic nerve, protruded from the hole in the place of his eye. It was clearly not very nice to see, which is why Nanaya had wanted to hide it. But Kenji was not disgusted. He was rather worried. Worried about the pain such an injury could cause. Worried that Nanaya thought he was ugly because of this, which is why he was doing it here, and not in front of a mirror.

He saw a tear drop from the corner of his good eye. The fear that he would find him repulsive. Let him be horrified.

Kenji slid his hand over the injured cheek and leaned down to kiss the cavity, before instantly pulling back and smiling at him.

Magical Boy ~ English versionWhere stories live. Discover now