Chapter 21

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The stay was going relatively well. There had been no accident. A few activities had been offered to the students, including a water pistol fight, and despite his fear, Nanaya had a great time. As long as he stayed away from the sea, he was fine.

That day, the teachers gave them free time to lie on the beach or have fun in the water. Mineko, Rena, Kenji and Nanaya had set their towels side by side, far enough away that Nanaya was comfortable. Kotaro had joined them, along with the twins, without a word. He had just put his own down next to his childhood friend, in silence and sat there. The twins took the opportunity to get to know the other better, before finally entrusting them with their business and going for a swim.

Kenji stood up with them.

" It's my turn." He said. "I offer you a lemonade. I couldn't carry the seven bottles on my own, Chichi-chan, are you helping me? "

He was looking at Kotaro, with a mischievous smile. The twins had stopped laughing as their mate seemed about to murder Kenji.

"What did you just call me ?!" He growled. "That does not make any sense !!"

"Of course that makes sense. Chichi is short for chihuahua. Because you are an angry chihuahua."


Kenji laughed and ran off to the beach bar, followed by an angry Kotaro. He knew full well he couldn't outrun his mate if he decided to use his power, but Kotaro seemed to be sane this time.

They arrived together at the small bar with tropical decoration, and Kenji had to catch his breath before ordering.

"Nice race." Said a woman sitting at the bar. "Is it your fault that no one can take a room at the hotel?"

"Oh. Sorry, ma'am." Kenji replied with a smile. "Our school has booked it completely."

"It's nothing, it's nothing. There is another one further on. I'm just disappointed that I didn't have a view of the beach."

"I don't have one either. My room is on the other side."

"And what school are you from?"

"Oi! Stupid shark!" Kotaro cut. "The drinks ! You said you paid! "

Kenji excused himself and turned away from the stranger to pay for his order, taking four bottles, leaving Kotaro to take the other three. They greeted the bartender and the stranger and walked over to their friends again, more gently this time.

"Did you intend to answer her?" Growled Kotaro on the way.

"Hm? Why not, Chichi-chan?"

"Stop calling me that. You really are a stupid shark! This woman... she doesn't look clean!"

"She's just a vacationer. Like us."

"Yeah. A vacationer who sits at this bar every day, morning to night, since our second day, never going for a swim and always looking towards us."

"Do you have a crush?"

"Shut up and think! She knows very well which school we come from! Everyone knows it ! It shows !"

"You're paranoid, Chichi-chan."

"Stop with that stupid nickname!"

"Stop calling me stupid shark?"


"So we're quits. "

Kotaro was still grumbling when they arrived. Since the twins had not returned, Kenji planted their bottles in the sand to protect them from the heat.

Magical Boy ~ English versionWhere stories live. Discover now