Chapter 52

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The intruder incident had been around the school and within two days, Nakamara had taken, modified and then reinstalled all of the school's cameras. With the help of Ankou, Darkeas's math teacher, invisible, he had checked the operation of the thermal detectors.

All the students, having of course heard about the problem, felt more reassured. The atmosphere was slightly heavy, with the idea that a surely ill-intentioned person had entered for an unknown length of time, which is why the directors already started talking about the summer camp planned for August as the month of June ends. barely finished. This year, they came back to basics by offering a training camp.

"It's a pretty cool place." Kenji assured as they settled down on the roof after the last lessons. "I went there for my first two years. It's a bit like the exercises on the simulation complex, but in real terrain. The camp is in the mountains, with a lot of forest and there is the sea right next to it. We have several hectares just for us."

"How did it go?" Enko asked.

"We do duels between students. I had taken a hell of a beating. Hey, Orio-chan, where's Nanaya anyway?"

"Shime-san had something to say to him." The blonde replied, opening a bag of treats.

"Are they all alone?" Ita questioned immediately. "just the two of them?"

"They're in the second floor lobby and Hyokko is with them. "

Rena patted her girlfriend on the shoulder and pointed in a direction. Their two comrades and the guardian were just arriving. Hyokko looked in a good mood, Kotaro had a very slight mark on the cheek, and Nanaya looked confused. Kenji stood up when they came up to them, glancing suspiciously at his rival, but his attention was immediately drawn to Nanaya who had approached him directly. He was about to speak, when Nanaya slapped him. He didn't really hurt, surprise winning the day and the young man didn't hit hard. However, he understood the mark on Kotaro's cheek. Without a word, he walked immediately after towards Tomeo who gave a tight smile.

"Oi... wait a sec, babe..." the gray haired boy mumbled. "What is happening ?"

"Shime decided to explain everything." Hyokko said with a satisfied smile." On the meaning of a kiss and how you all take advantage of it. He himself made Nanaya slap him in the face, but it's unfair if he's the only one receiving the backlash, right?"

"... Oh... very well... it's deserved. "

Nanaya stared at Tomeo for a moment. He remained stoic, having seen that Nanaya was not hitting very hard. And he was right. The slap was almost to the point that it looked more like a caress than anything else. Even troubled to learn that his friends were taking advantage of his ignorance, he couldn't bring himself to hurt them.

"Are we going to get one too?" Haru asked.

"You didn't kiss me." Nanaya replied. "Why should I hit you?"

"...for nothing." Hissed Jun. 

Mineko hugged Nanaya, sticking her tongue out at the boys. Kotaro looked at Nanaya, smiling.

He had blamed himself for a while, for not having explained to him the first time. And like that, the others could not benefit from it either.


It took only two days for Shoko to get back to the floating mansion. He must have left his things in the hall and couldn't even say hello to his daughter, Lord wanted to see him directly. He was not taken to the throne room, but to Lord's chamber. It was early, and the boss was still there, fresh out of his bath, his hair down and wearing a black yukata.

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