Chapter 100

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(Hatase Yontaro ☝️)

On the night of June 15, 1912, while the Matsuura family was sleeping peacefully, a large number of residents had moved into the deserted streets of Funayako. Without being noticed, they walked to the silent house of the one they called demon.

During this moonless night, the city was illuminated by a huge fire at this place. The mostly wooden house, helped by the many offerings placed around it, caught fire with an ease that even these criminals could not imagine.

As they fled, leaving the rest of the village rushing in to try and put out the fire, none saw a small flaming figure escape through one of the windows and crash down behind the mound onto which the house was built.

The firefighters arrived from the city after a long time. The efforts of the villagers did little to push back the flames. It was too late. Almost nothing was left of Yazaro and Metori's bodies. The inhabitants assumed that the much smaller one of a ten-year-old child had been entirely devoured by the flames.

But Hatase didn't believe it. He himself had seen the harpoon wound close. Without telling anyone, he discreetly walked around. He noticed traces of scorched grass and charred pieces of clothing, following the almost imperceptible trail to the nearest forest. It was there that he found the small body curled up and trembling. Thoki had raw skin all over his person and yet those burns looked old. His hair was even starting to grow back. He didn't dare take him in his arms to calm his tears. He didn't want to hurt him. Even though his wounds healed on their own, they were painful. He knelt down in front of him and spoke to him gently. Whispering comforting words to him without mentioning the horrible state of the parents. But Thoki had seen them being consumed by the flames. They didn't realize right away. They had caught fire in their sleep.

Hatase left the child for a moment. No one ever came here. As long as he didn't move, no one would see him. But he still had something to do. He knew that his own wife had participated in this unjust killing. But to be completely honest, he resented the whole village. Including those crazy people who idolized a child just for the color of his eyes. Without these offerings, the fire would have been slower.

Under cover of an offering to the dead, he collected food and clothing until nightfall. Like those cowards, he waited for everyone to sleep before leaving his home. He reached the forest where Thoki was waiting for him. The burns had almost completely healed. The child watched Hatase come towards him, emptying a canister behind him.

Hatase put the container down and knelt down in front of Thoki and giving him some new clothes.

"Get dressed," he whispered softly, "I promised your father that you would always be safe with me. But I couldn't keep my promise if we stay in this crazy village. Let's go."

Thoki nodded silently. His throat hurt. Hatase put his bag on his shoulder and before leaving for good on the roads, dropped a match on the gasoline he had emptied. He had taken his time. He had gone around every house. They wanted to play with fire. No one could escape.


Hatase and Thoki had spent two years on the road. Having first taken the direction of the capital, Hatase had not managed to find a job in Tokyo and everything was more expensive than in the countryside. Even though he had taken as much money as possible with him, without spending too much, they quickly ran out. That was why the adult had preferred to return to the countryside. He had found a job in a port, but could not keep it for long. He explained to Thoki that he just didn't have the strength for this kind of job anymore. However, he was not yet over forty.

After practically touring the entire country, mostly on foot, they had arrived in a small, booming town near Lake Towada. The few dwellings were spaced out but the city center offered several shops and the inhabitants even benefited from a small hospital.

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