Chapter 34

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Nakamara would have liked to rub his eyes if he hadn't had only one hand and it wasn't handcuffed. The memory of his last meeting with Teiji rose in his mind. After his comrade burst into laughter in response to his declaration of love, he had run to the city so he had to wait for Thoki to come get him. The butler had been the only one concerned. His parents hadn't really cared about a simple heartache.

He looked away as Phen-X removed his mask. He feared that seeing his face exposed would not allow him to hold back all the bitterness of the past.

"What are you doing here?" Nakamara growled between his teeth. "Are you planning to laugh at me again?"

"It wasn't at you ..."

"What else ?!"

Teiji didn't have time to answer, the door opened again. Thoki entered the room, closing it behind him. He glanced at the visitor, whose identity he did not know, and approached the bed. He immediately noticed that Nakamara was uncomfortable. He was refraining from crying.

"The young master told me you were awake" He explained simply. "I wanted to visit you before tomorrow ..."

"... thank you, Thoki." Nakamara muttered. "Henmi-san, I don't need you here any more. Go away."

"Henmi...?" Repeated Thoki. "Henmi Teiji?"

He turned angrily to the school nurse and punched him. It wasn't strong enough to knock him back or knock him out, but a bruise would certainly appear on his cheek the next day. Teiji didn't try to reply. He just stood there, ready to receive more.

"Thoki! Nakamara" called.

"Master, this man ..."

"He's leaving."

"No." Teiji replied simply. "I came to give you an explanation."

"I don't want to hear it."

"As I suspected. But you're going to listen to me anyway because you've got nothing better to do right now."

"You laughed at him when he confess!" Growled Thoki! "Do you know how many hours I spent consoling him ?!"

"... I laughed... because for four years my friends kept telling me that a Darkeas student would never date a Saurity student. That this situation could only happen in my dreams. I laughed, because I thought at the time that they convinced you to help them play a joke on me. But I was wrong. You were serious. And I never forgave myself."

"... Henmi-san..." Nakamara muttered.

"And so, even though I imagine I've been replaced after so many years, I'd like to give you my real answer."

Thoki didn't quite know how to react, so he didn't try to stop the nurse as he approached the hospital bed. He leaned over Nakamara and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"It's a yes." Teiji clarified, smiling.


"Oh sorry. After what you've done, I can't risk you swallowing my saliva. It would make your arm grow back and I would be seen as an accomplice. Three years. Your injury must be three years old for me to kiss you safely."

"...three years ?! Seriously ?!"

"Hey, we've already waited twenty years. It's not a big deal."

Nakamara had completely relaxed. The tears that had been held back were running down his cheeks. But this time, Thoki was happy to know it was all about positive emotions. He couldn't help but feel jealous. He wanted to push Teiji aside and force him out, out the window if necessary. What had he been thinking? He had been just a consolation prize. He was just the butler.

Magical Boy ~ English versionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum