Chapter 5

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Nanaya woke up with a thrill.

The sun was rising slowly and he could hear some distant laughter, seeming to come from across the hall. He guessed that all his comrades were already awake and were probably taking their shower. He straightened up, rubbing his back. Used or not, sleeping on the floor was never pleasant. The problem facing him now was his hygiene. The planned bathroom next to his future bedroom was not done and he couldn't just go wash with the girls. It wasn't right and he didn't want to.

Besides, he had slept dressed, so he was still wearing Darkeas's uniform. He hadn't even undone the tie. His prosthesis, and all of his face around it, hurt. He needed to run some water over it.

He finally made up his mind to get up. There was a toilet, between his room and the principal's office. He could at least wash himself with the sinks. And since all the girls were in the showers, there was no risk of seeing them. He left Aitori's uniform, planning to come back to the bedroom to change. He took off his tie and jacket, however, and unbuttoned the first buttons of his shirt as he left the empty room. As he had thought, no students were in the halls, but he could hear lively discussions at the other end, behind the door indicating the showers.

Nanaya took a few steps to his right to reach the bathroom door, a small satchel in hand. There were dozens of cubicles, and just as many sinks, topped with mirrors. He put the bag on one of the wash basins before running the water. Opening the case, he took out a clip with which he fixed his hair. He winced at his reflection. 

If his left side had no problem and could even pass for beautiful, the right side completely distorted his face. The machine that his father made started at the height of the eyebrow and ended in the middle of the cheek. Even a person not accustomed to robotics could easily guess that the whole thing was directly attached to his skull, seeing the screwed fasteners. 

About where his eye should have been, the machine formed a circle, almost resembling a camera lens. It was the main component of the prosthesis. Directly connected to the brain, it had various sensors and detectors. He could zoom his sight, activate night vision, lock a target and so many other features... which Nanaya didn't use. All around the device, the skin was badly damaged. Bruises were permanently visible and in some places, the pulpit still seemed raw despite the years. His father had treated him as best he could, but as he often explained to him, being a supervillain they couldn't count on hospitals or heroes with healing powers. They had to fend for themselves.

Nanaya sighed and put his hands under the water to splash his face. He rubbed both parts, his prosthesis being perfectly waterproff. He recovered a washcloth from his satchel and imbibed it with water, before gently applying it to the wounds.He had finished with that, and was starting to pick up his toothbrush, when the door opened. Two young girls had just entered and stopped dead at the entrance when they saw their comrade. They were visibly horrified by what they saw. Nanaya was quick to untie his hair and hide his prosthesis.

"Sorry." He mumbled to break the silence. "I didn't think anyone would come here this morning."

He expected them to run away, like anyone who had seen his right side. The redhead looked like she was about to run away. But her comrade managed to pull herself together. A pretty blonde with quilts and green eyes. She smiled.

"It's up to us to apologize." She said. "We should have known that you would be here. But, if you want, we've all already taken our shower. It's free, if you want to go."

"Oh, thank you. But are you sure? The other classes ..."

"They came before us. The first years pass last."

"I see... I'll go then."

He put his things back in the case, apologized again, and returned to look for his uniform in the empty room. He didn't want to wear it. He had never really liked pink and knots. He walked to the showers and knocked on the door anyway before entering. They were completely empty. A wall separated the cabins from the cloakroom where the students left their belongings.

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