Chapter 66

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The teachers were trying to open the door, but from inside, the barriers couldn't be removed. Tomeo pushed his way through his friends to reach the entrance and examined the substance.

"What are you doing, bulldozer?" Growled Kotaro who supported Jun.

"Basically," his comrade explained. "My power allows me to control all that is mineral. Granite, precious stones... basically everything that makes up the earth. And if this thing had really been like concrete, I could have easily gotten rid of it. But this is not the case."

"Can't you do anything, Ogami-san?" Nanaya asked.

"It's pretty damn solid. It would take a hell of a shock... and I'm not sure I could do something powerful enough without causing an earthquake all over the area. And call me by my code name when I'm in battle suit, babe."

"You too then!" Growled Kotaro.

"I'm sure you can do it!" Nanaya assured. "You're the only one here with enough physical power to unlock them, Og ~... Sisma."

"N... no..." Tomeo muttered. "I am far from controlling it... the teachers will find a solution."

Kotaro raised an eyebrow. Tomeo always acted so confident, almost pretentious. He was curious to realize that he had some gaps in his confidence. He decided to come over and grabbed one of the thongs of his suit.

"Listen to me, fucking Bulldozer!" He exclaimed. "We all have a hard time controlling our powers in one way or another and you might be the worst considering how fucking destructive you are! But if you don't try, how do you expect to be successful ?! So you focus, you do your stupid thing with your fucking stones and you blow this fucking door off like the fucking wrecking ball that you are! Nana-chan, Haru and Jun need healing !!"

"What do you mean ?!" A voice exclaimed from the other side of the door. 

Tomeo was silent, surprised. He didn't expect that from his comrade. He was pretty sure it was encouragement, in his own way. He finally nodded and asked everyone to walk away from the door. And for the professors to go and sit under the tables, in case his power escalates.

His friends outside moved away several yards, still able to watch him. They had warned Kenji, Monaka and Yuto, who had arrived in the meantime, who had therefore followed them to safety.

Tomeo took a deep breath. He did some distance math, mentally, and took several steps away. He examined the ground for its predominantly rocky structure and closed his eyes for a moment. He was thinking about how his power worked.

Unlike many others, his had appeared for no reason, while his parents did not have one. He was one of those who some called "deviants". Those who were born with a power or mutation when their whole family did not and no one had before. This same name that had been used in the very first appearances of supernatural abilities years before and was officially recognized as derogatory was still in use.

So Tomeo had no example. No parent to train with. No way of knowing exactly what to do and how to do it. For this reason, he had more trouble than the others. He was trying harder than the others. Studied in secret longer, when his comrades slept. Sometimes he sneaked out of school to work out on a vacant lot outside of town. Sometimes he felt like it was all for nothing and his efforts were wasted. Even the magical girls mastered their powers better.

But this time there was something more. This time, Nanaya and even Kotaro, had cheered him on, and were standing a few yards away. This time there was someone he didn't want,  he couldn't disappoint.

He opened his eyes again and stared at the ground in front of him. Succeeding in gaining control of a small stone, he drew a large circle from a distance. With thus a visual cue, he was going to concentrate on this very small area.

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