Chapter 46

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The lunch break was already underway when the third year classes finally arrived. Kenji immediately walked over to his friends' table, despite a state indicating the difficulty of his training.

"You have a dirty face." Kotaro growled as he watched him sit down with his tray. "Did you fail?"

"No, I won." Kenji assured with a smile. "But the new trainning are really intense."

"Dad already got to work?" Nanaya asked.

"Yep. You could have told us."

The young man smiled. The directors had made arrangements with Nakamara. To avoid confronting the students with their teachers or creating a rivalry between them, they had asked him to create special robots. They were remotely controlled by Nakamara himself and he was careful not to hurt the students, while creating maximum damage in the simulation areas. Thus, the students could use all their strength and even destroy their opponent completely, for a more effective training, allowing them to break the limits which they imposed on themselves in front of humans. In this way, they could better master their powers and discover their weaknesses.

"Did he say anything else?" Nanaya asked.

"No. Why ?"

"Oh, nothing... it must surely still remain a secret for the moment."

Mineko began to insist on knowing, as they finished their meal and left their table, but Nanaya remained silent. He didn't want to risk spreading the news, as Starlight had explained to him. Officially, Nakamara was simply helping the school to catch up with his past actions. But in truth, Starlight was having a hard time dealing with Saurity in addition to the entire complex. He remained in charge of the hero school, but had passed the role of general director to Nakamara.

They preferred not to say anything at the moment, because such a well-known ex-villain as Experion, finding himself in charge of training future heroes, could worry more than one.

Nanaya was lost in thought, when he felt two hands resting on the sides of his stomach. He barely had time to look up at Kenji, when the latter hit Kotaro's fist in the face.

"WHERE ARE YOU THINKING YOU PUT YOUR HANDS, FUCKING SHARK?!?!?" The young man yelled, furious, his fist in the air. "DO NOT EVER DARE TO DO THIS AGAIN !!"

"I just wanted to check something." Kenji muttered, rubbing his jaw. "Kitty... you are starting to have a normal size. We can't feel your ribs anymore. "

Kotaro raised an eyebrow and turned to Nanaya. His stomach was flat, and they couldn't see the shape of his bones anymore.

"Hey! That's true !" Haru exclaimed. "Well, he's still just as puny but ..."

"Not a very good choice of word." Replied Jun. "I would rather have said delicate."

"Is this your way of flirting?" Kotaro growled.

"Not at all !"

"Maybe a little bit." Haru muttered too low to be heard.

"It's great that you got to gain some weight." Mineko assured with a smile."You were really too skinny."

"You keep saying you want to lose some." Nanaya replied.

"Uh... well... I've got a little too much."

"No. You are pretty like that."

Mineko blushed slightly as she thanked him. Her guardian allowed himself to confirm, but his remark was misplaced and it was, this time, Tomeo who put the creature in its place. The bells rang at that moment and they walked quietly to their classroom.

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