Chapter 60

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The first few days at camp had gone wonderfully well. Nanaya hadn't set foot in the onsen once, so his friends hadn't set foot in the onsen as well, so as not to leave him alone.

The practice of the day had exhausted them. Nanaya had received quite a blow to the shoulder and was immediately reprimanded, him and his opponent as well, because he had to spare himself. The young man felt that Phen-X worried too much.

"You should take a moment in the onsen," Tomeo said as they walked back to the bedroom, "It's relaxing."

"You can go without me, you know," Nanaya muttered. "You don't have to wait for me."

"I do not understand. Why are you refusing to go? "

Kenji and Kotaro exchanged a quick glance. They were the only two of this group to know. If their friend wasn't ready to tell others, they couldn't force him.

"I'm afraid of the water." Nanaya simply announced as he recovered his painkillers. 

Tomeo, The twins, Monaka and Rakko were speechless. They expected certainly not that.

"It's not deep," Haru explained then.

"And we would all be there," Haru added.

"Don't force him!" Growled Kotaro. "If he doesn't feel like going, don't insist !!"

"Heeh! Don't yell at us! "

Nanaya watched them argue. Monaka tried to calm them down, as a class representative, but he struggled to be obeyed by Kotaro.

"If you're there..." Nanaya whispered, "It should be fine..."

Everyone fell silent.

"It's going to be fine," he continued, "you won't let me slip, will you?"

"Certainly not !" Kenji reassured him with a smile. "But you'll see, it's really not deep enough to drown in it."

"You don't have to force yourself," Kotaro muttered.

"I'm not forcing myself," his friend replied simply. 

The twins jumped for joy. By the time his comrades changed, since they were wearing their combat gear, they then headed for the onsen. Several students were already coming back.

Nanaya felt his heart speed up as he neared it. His friends explained everything he needed to know to feel good there and all stayed close to him. That didn't prevent him from freezing on the edge of the pool.

Kotaro put a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down," he huffed, "you can always turn around."

Nanaya shook his head negatively, but grabbed his arm to reassure himself. Kenji, already in the water, held out his hand and, holding his two best friends, Nanaya slowly climbed down to sit in the warm water. He stood there for a moment before starting to relax. It wasn't bad after all.

Seeing him a little less tense, the others began to discuss and act as usual. The twins were quick to send water to each other and chase each other. Monaka was chatting quietly with Rakko, not far from Kenji and Kotaro who were staying near Nanaya. Kotaro was yelling at Haru and Jun telling them to calm down. The more the water was stirred, the less Nanaya relaxed. He jumped with each little wave. Tomeo was still sitting nearby as well.

"Hey, babe?" He called.

"Ogami !!!" Growled Kotaro.

"Yes ?" Nanaya asked.

"Is your father doing well? I mean... he's still been a villain all these years. Isn't he too bored?"

"Uchiri Corporation keeps him busy, especially since he wants to add prosthetics."

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