Chapter twenty-six

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Rosetta's Pov

The one he trusts.

Who could that be?

Nearly deluding myself into thinking it was me, I mentally rolled my eyes.Staring at those innocent violet eyes, I blew out a breath. "Do you know who that person is?" I asked.

She cocked her hip one way, tapped her chin thoughtfully, and shrugged. "Nope." I frowned. She's lying. Something tells me she does.

Massaging my temples, I sighed.There was a headache coming and it wasn't pleasant.I took a deep breath and turned around to face Artemis, who had been watching her child sceptically. However, she quickly smiled when she saw me looking at her.

"Can you take me to see the witch?" It might seem out of place, but I want to see the witch.

Her eyes suddenly switched between red and violet, reminding me of Aries'. She balled her fists to her side, glaring into the distance. However, once her mate gently laid his palms on her shoulder, massaging it, her heavy breathing calmed down.

Artemis let out a huge sigh, licked her lips, and glanced at me. "Sure." She replied monotonously, quickly stepping out of her mate's embrace. Storm took a step to follow but glanced over her shoulder shaking her head. "Watch Astria."

He scowled at her. "Why do you always leave me out of the significant stuff..." He protested but honestly it sounded like a child whining about not being able to venture to the toy shop.

Artemis chuckled, closed the distance, and pecked him on the lips. I looked away immediately.

"You think that's going to get me to agree to this?" I heard him ask but after a minute he sighed. "You're right. Just be safe, and keep the link open because if anything happens, you're my priority, not Astria."

I turned just in time to see Artemis smack his shoulder hard. She had a glare on her face whilst Storm grinned sheepishly at her.

"Our children come first." She pointed out with a meaningful look, but Storm shrugged, pulled her by the waist, and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

He cupped her cheeks, a tender look gracing his features and smiled softly. "Well, I met you first and they would leaveyou for their mates..." He paused, glanced at Astria, and narrowed his eyes but then sighed and faced Artemis again. "So, I must protect the one who'll stay by my side forever."

Such a smooth talker... I wonder if Aries...I shook my head, no way Aries would ever say such words to me, if anything all he'll spew out of his mouth will probably be curses.

I couldn't tell what look Artemis had on her face. However, the tension she radiated at the mention of the witch suddenly eased. His words must have pleased her. I mentally took notes. I'll try it on Aries and see how it works.

Artemis pulled away with a smile, walked over to Astria, and lowered on one knee. "I'll be back okay. Don't cause trouble for Daddy."

Astria grinned widely, twisting her body from side to side. "When have I ever?" Artemis quirked her eyebrows and the little girl dropped her smile. "Fine but..." She perked up suddenly. "Let Uncle Ollie come too."

"NO!" Storm shouted, alarmed and disturbed at the thought of this Ollie person coming. He glanced over at Artemis with wide, alarming eyes. "Do not bring that man to this house!" He emphasized each word.

Artemis bit her lip and gave Astria an apologetic look. "Sorry, but Daddy has spoken."

Storm gulped, sighed in relief, and ran his fingers through his hair. This Ollie person must have put Storm through a lot for him to panic this way. Oh well, it's not my business.

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