Chapter twenty

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Chapter twenty

Rosetta's pov

I stiffened for the briefest moment; my gaze lowered on the human size baby holding onto my waist tightly. The ache in my gum grew numb and the feeling of wanting to sink my fangs into his neck disappeared.

Seraphina huh.

I wasn't sure whether to call it a blessing or a curse that I didn't mark him. I wasn't ready to that. Not yet anyway. I looked up to see the man staring down at us intensely.

"Is he your beloved?" He asked and I shrugged. His brows drew together in confusion as he watched me with suspicion clear in his eyes.

I inhaled deeply, lifted him up and before the man could open his mouth to speak, I disappeared. I followed his scent and found myself standing in front of his room. His scent was the strongest here.

"Must have spent his whole life in here." I mused to myself. I adjusted his body on my back and turned the doorknob. The room was dark. There wasn't a single light streaming into his room and it felt so gloomy and depressed to be in it.

"He's worse than a vampire at this point." I closed my eyes for a second, opened them and suddenly the room was filled with light. There wasn't a touch of colour to anything in his room. Everything was just dark. I wondered if he was trying to create the cliché persona of a bad boy or something because he was far from it.

His cheek rested on my shoulder and from the soft snores coming from his mouth, I could tell he was asleep. The sheer audacity of him. He probably would feel so embarrassed if he knew that I carried him on my back or the fact that it was his enemy.

I chuckled at the thought. I walked silently towards the bed, turned around and sat down. I unlinked his arms around my neck and slowly laid down for his body to drop on the bed. I stood up with a huff, twisted my torso and groaned when I heard it crack.

"I should let him pay for the damages to my back." I watched him as he slept soundly, coiling himself into a ball and snuggling against the pillow. He looked so adorable and dare I say, a child. I walked to the other side of the bed and stared at the pillow for a minute.

I narrowed my eyes at it. "You must be so happy right now." I pulled it from between his arms and flung it over my shoulder. He frowned and made a little sound of protest.

Sorry but I'm going to burn that pillow.

The more I watched him, the more my urge grew to do something I know I would regret but to hell with it. So, I climbed into the bed, gently raised his left arm and snuggled myself into his embrace. As if an automatic reaction, he pulled me further into his arms, wrapping his legs and arms around my body and rested his forehead against mine.

I froze. Every cell in my body felt alive but at the same time, all my tensed muscles relaxed. His breath fanned my face as he leaned even closer, holding my tightly.

"Just for some few minutes Rosetta, just indulge for some few minutes." I mumbled under my breath. My fingers lightly traced his features, from his arched shaped eyebrow to the little black spot near his eyelids.

His black long lashes fluttered when I traced them and when I touched his slightly pointed nose, he scrunched it. I giggled quietly at his actions and the most amazing thing happened. His lips tug up in smile that melted the iciness in my heart.

I was drowning in that slight smile and his features looked so much younger. It was better than the scowl he always showed me, and I longed for the day when he would actually show me this expression.

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