Chapter sixteen

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Chapter sixteen

Artemis' Pov

I looked out the dawn horizon, a cup of coffee in my hand and a checkered blanket wrapped around my shoulders. It was a cold morning and the world had yet to wake up. I brought the mug to my lips, sipped a bit and the tears I held back fell freely. I didn't know that losing a child could hurt so much even though that said child was still alive.

Arius, my son.

I heard footsteps behind me followed by a familiar and comforting warmth I knew all too well. Storm wrapped his arms around my lower waist, bent down slightly and rested his chin on my shoulder. He placed a soft feather kiss against my cheeks and brought out his tongue and licked my tears.

"That's disgusting." I sobbed out and he chuckled and did it again. It brought a smile to my face, and I could feel his relief through the bond. He was just as worried and sad about his departure and although he didn't show it, I knew.

At times, he would lock himself in the study, shut our connection and weep to himself. I would sit behind the door and hear his silent cries and I knew he blamed himself so much. He wasn't there. He wasn't alive when he was born and had no idea, he had a child.

We both had no idea, and I knew it was my fault. I was weak, lost even when Storm died so I hadn't even thought of the fact that I may had been pregnant or given birth at one point. The thought that my memories were locked bothered me and the fact that I couldn't even remember bothered me as well.

"Storm." I whispered out quietly and he hummed in response as he rested his cheeks against mine. The sobs had turned into quiet sniffles.

"I need to see Luna." I muttered and he stiffened, pulled away and grabbed my shoulders to turn me around.

He searched my eyes, looking for something but I just gave him a sad smile and cupped his cheeks. He sighed, nodded his head and let go. He took strands of my hair and played with it, a thoughtful look on his face.

"You want to know what happened right but are you prepared to hear the truth?" He asked quietly and I looked down with pursed lips. I was scared of finding out the truth, I was scared of knowing what happened during that dark period of mine but to understand what was going on I had to do this.

I looked up feeling determined. "I am." I stated firmly and he just gave me a small smile, leaned forward and kissed my forehead. His lips lingered there as he hugged my body close to his.

He was scared. His wolf was howling in pain and even Red who was usually chirpy and annoying was quiet. He slowly pulled away, smiled one last time and walked away.

I watched his firm back sadly but before he entered the room, he stopped, turned and grinned. "I'll watch your back." And he left, closing the door on his way. I took deeps breaths, removed the blanket from my shoulders and placed the mug down.

Closing my eyes, I put my palms together and whispered the familiar spell to take me to my mother's home. I never once saw that place as mine. The air charged with electricity, I could feel my hair floating around me and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in the ethereal realm of gods and goddess.

It hadn't changed at all. The overbearing stench of power was still around and without looking at anything, I shifted into my wolf and headed towards Luna's house. The wind felt nice against my fur, and it made realize that it had been a while since I shifted.

'Great you finally realized' Red growled, and I only scoffed

'Just hurry'

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