Chapter one

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Chapter One

When life hands you lemons, you make a grape juice out of it. Reality is bitter so you just have to make it sweet as possible.

The night was young, the crickets chirping filled the night, the wind was silent and the gentle breeze ruffled the dried leaves on the ground, lifting them into the sky only to get swallowed by the darkness.

It was dark. It was quiet. The mountains disappeared in the darkness. The blood moon hiding behind the pine trees quietly stared at me. I knew what it wanted, what the darkness wanted and what they were after but damn it if I was going to let them get it.

"Fucking vampires." I growled under my breath, the dried leaves crunching underneath my feet as I prowled the forest.

"I don't think it's wise for us to be this noisy."

"Shut up." I snapped softly at the person following me. This was not a field trip I was excited about but in order to protect my people, I had to do this.

A twig snapped and I narrowed my eyes at the darkness. I inhaled deeply, looked around and gritted my teeth as they slowly emerged from the shadows like a bunch of sissies. I hated them.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

The hiss and chill in their voice would have made a shiver run down my spine but I was so done and over with them. Who even made sure they existed because I sure as hell wouldn't let a bunch of mosquitoes live to see the next day.

The clouds slowly moved from the moon and the silver lights rained down on the spot we stood and there they were; red beady eyes glistened with murderous intents and fangs that could cut the flesh of anything bared right at us.

"I hate them." I mumbled under my breath as I glared coldly at them. Vampires and werewolves should not even exist. They are the cause of my misery and I wish fuck I wish they would all burn but for now these assholes need to die.

"I don't like you." I murmured under my breath and leaned against the tree trunk with the most bored look on my face.

One of them quirked their ugly shaped eyebrow which honestly looked more insulting than what I had planned in my head.

Three males and a female.

The female walked, well it looked more like she was gliding and stopped right in front of my subordinate. He slowly stepped back and smiled at her which she returned by licking her lips.

"What's your name handsome?" She asked and rested her claws on his chest. There is no way I'm calling those long ass things nails. How the fuck does she even wipe with that?

"Ashley." He answered and her eyes widened a bit. Yes, I can understand her reaction. I had the same reaction when he first told me his name but I'm not going to get into how he said his mom was drunk when she decided to give him that name.

"Ashley." She repeated almost after a minute of processing it but then smiled again. "I like it and I like you more. What's a human like yourself doing here?"

He smiled again, his perfect straight white teeth almost blinding me. "Just berry hunting."

"Berry hunting?" She repeated again and the guys behind her chuckled. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. What are they? Five? Tsk.

It was starting to get boring. I leaned away from the tree and walked towards Ash and that's when they noticed me. I concealed my presence from them.

She stepped back when she noticed me and I chuckled to myself. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and gave her a quick glance from head to toe. They were so damn ugly it was a miracle how they were even able to have sex with themselves. I would definitely gorge out my eyes before I could even kiss them but like that was ever going to happen anyway.

"Nice little trick you did over there." She muttered and as childish as it may sound, she stared so inappropriately at me. Gosh I am a damn virgin, don't break it with those ugly eyes of yours.

I just stared at them as they surrounded us, waiting to suck our blood but boy they were definitely going to get something sucked out them.

Ash stood protectively in front of me and I fought the urge to smack the back of his head because a)I could take care of myself and b)his head just looked so very tempting.

"You have seconds to disappear else you won't like where the story would end." I said and watched as they burst out laughing. I closed my eyes and sighed. They just never learn do they.

"What is a puny human like yourself going to do?" The blonde to Ash's left taunted with a smirk on his face and tapped the arm of his friend as they mocked us.

"You assholes never learn do you." I looked at them blankly and stared at the moon turning another shade of red. "You guys are dead proof that God has a sense of humor."

The smiles slowly dropped from their faces and was replaced by a menacing glare and it didn't help that Ash was trying so hard to stop himself from bursting out of laughter if the shoulder shaking wasn't an indication.

"You must think you're so funny, don't you?" The girl snapped at us, her fangs elongating. She must be thirsty. Sucks to be them. They don't seem to have drunk from anyone yet and that is quite unfortunate for them.

"Don't feel bad about a talent you don't have; most people don't have a good sense of humor anyway." I shrugged and that seemed to piss them even more.

"Kill them."

The air turned stale, charged with a murderous intent and just like that it was over.

Their heads flew a few feet away from their bodies and you could still see the shock etched on their faces. They looked so stupid and a chilling smile graced my face as I stalked towards their burning bodies.

I crouched in front of the lady, you could tell she was trying to stay alive, guess she was the leader then. I twirled a strand of fiery ginger hair around my finger and smiled, my eyes twinkling in the darkness. "You look so much beautiful this way; silent and dead."

Her lips parted briefly and her fangs peeked out. I stared at them for a minute, contemplating and pulled them out roughly from her gum. The scream never came and the silence made it all the better.

From the corner of my eyes, Ash slowly retracted his blade, took deep breaths and stared at me with a smile. That smile was dangerous because the bastard never smiles.

"Your Highness, weren't you ever told not to play with your food?" He reprimanded softly and I slowly stared blankly at him.

"I hope you one day choke on your crap." He only smiled and I stood up, crushing their heads underneath my feet as I walked away from them.

"Sorry if I offended you, it wasn't intentional." He bowed and I shoved my middle finger in his face. He was not sorry, asshole.

"HELP!!!" My ears perked up at the silent scream and I stopped in my tracks.

Ash stopped and stared at me. "Any problem?"

"Let's go east."

I hate them but I hate myself even more.

A/n: First Chapter! So exciting! I hope?!

Honestly I don't know what to say exactly but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I was thinking of a posting schedule but not sure when, so it would be random. I would post when a chapter is done.

That aside I sincerely hope you stick with me till the end because trust me it's only going to get exciting.

Peace out ;)

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