Chapter nineteen

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Chapter nineteen.

Arius pov

My vision blurred as I dashed through the forest. The pain in my chest intensified and the simple act of breathing became difficult.

In. Out. In. Out. I repeated the mantra in my head but then her sudden sardonic smile flashed across my mind and the pain came back tenfold. She was the one responsible. She took them from me.

My blood raged in my veins the more I thought about it. I hated them, I hated her, and she was going to pay for it.

I stopped, leaned against the tree and gasped for air. My throat felt like it was being squeezed tight, like a pair of hands were wrapping around them.

Breath asshole just fucking breath.

I coughed, hitting my chest in the process. I couldn't get air in. I couldn't breathe.

The tears blurred my vision again. Seraphina, Scott, they-I hiccupped. I wrapped my own hands around my throat, trying to pry the invisible hands that held me captive, but I couldn't.

My thoughts were spilling all over. It's your fault! They couldn't be saved because you let your stupid guard down and those immoral creatures, that witch with those terrifying cold dead eyes and an icy glare made it all possible.

She was responsible and she needed to pay the price.

"Hey! Buddy! Breath alright!" I heard a cold voice saying and the sound irritated me. I coughed, pulling away from the cold hands that were trying to cup my cheeks.

In. Out. In. Out

It wasn't working. Suddenly it was hot, and I wanted to take the clothes off. It was suffocating.

"Shit! What do I do?" I heard that same voice again but there was a slight hint of panic in the voice. The person should just shut the fuck up! I was trying to concentrate on getting air back into my lungs!

I heard rustling and then finally, cold lips pressed on my own. Wait what?

I pushed the person roughly, wiped my lips harshly, blinked several times till the darkness that blurred my vision was cleared and there in front of me stood a figure I had seen.

He grinned but his eyes twinkling in delight with mischief and a slight hint of concern. "Sorry, that was the only way I could think of."

I felt my heartbeat slowing down a little, the tightness and suffocation subsided and all I thought was a guy just kissed me.

My eyes widened in pure disbelief as I stared at the vampire in front of me. He smiled cheekily and wiggled his fingers in a wave at me.

My brain shut down as I tried to process what the fuck had just happened. I was kissed. By a guy? And a vampire to be exact. My face scrunched up in disgust and I brought the back of my palms to my lips, wiping it harshly.

Ew, ew, ew.

"Now that is not nice." He feigned hurt pouting at me, and I raised my eyes and glared furiously at him.

"How dare you." I gritted out harshly and he only shrugged, crossed his arms in front of him and regarded me with a cool look.

"What's your name kid?"

"Why did you follow me?" I retorted and he shrugged again.

"No reason but it was a good thing I did; else you would have-

"I didn't need your help!" I exclaimed and he raised his brows, taken aback by my sudden outburst.

He watched me for a moment and then chuckled. He muttered something under his breath as he watched me with an unreadable eye and for the briefest moment his eyes softened a bit.

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