Chapter thirty-two

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Arius' pov

Storm and Artemis couldn't stay for long. I hate to admit but spending the day with them made me feel a little lighter than I had felt in all my years of living. I felt a little freedom that I always wanted, and it reminded me of what Storm said.

Get to know them before you judge them. It was late and Artemis and Storm were going back. Artemis was drawing some circles on the ground while Storm and I just stood and watched her. It was a little surprising to know she could perform magic but at the same it, it made me admire her even more. 

She threw the stick once she was done, wiped her hands on her jeans and walked over to us, smiling softly. "It's done."

Storm nodded, turned to face me and smiled. "Remember what I said okay." I nodded and he stood aside for Artemis to stand in front of me. I stared down at her fragile body and the way she looked nervous in front of her son.

"Uh," She cleared her throat, still staring at the ground and I cracked a small smile at her actions. She made me want to protect her. It was funny though and I shuffled closer to her, leaned down and did something that equally shocked both of us. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug and she stiffened. 

A whole minute passed without her doing anything and I felt awkward, so I started pulling away, but she quickly wrapped her arms around me, squeezing tightly to herself. Her form trembled from the silent sobs, and I closed my eyes, feeling an extreme warmth spreading over me.

"I'm really happy Arius," She whispered into my neck, and I just closed my eyes. 

"Thanks a lot for being here," I muttered. I wanted to add Mom but the words couldn't come out, so I just settled for hugging. We pulled away and she cupped my cheeks, rubbing them softly and smiled.

"Don't mention it. That's what family is here for." She said and slowly leaned up to kiss my forehead. Her lips lingered for a minute till she pulled back, rubbed my cheeks again and squeezed my arm before pulling away completely.

Storm smiled at the both of us, took her hand and walked over to the circle. She kept staring behind whilst I stood rooted to the spot, hands shoved in my pocket, an unreadable expression on my face as they stepped into the middle of the circle.

Storm waved animatedly, sending kissy faces and Artemis giggled, smiling and she shook her head. Her lips moved, and the ground beneath her glowed a blue light. It was fascinating to see her chant a spell and watching them leave made me feel an inexplicable sadness. I wish they had more time to stay, I wished they could all be with me, so I don't feel alone.

My thought surprised me but not as much as when I realized I had somehow made it to their circle and was embracing them. 

"We love you too son," Storm whispered, his voice sounding choked with unshed tears and Artemis just cried softly.

"Please wait for me. I'll come around but..." I choked. "Just don't abandon or forget me if I keep too long," I whispered the words I had always wanted to say. I felt them nodding eagerly and we pulled away.

I stepped back waving the final goodbyes to them.

"Don't forget to say hi to Rosetta for me and also next time you visit, or I visit, I want to see the both of you happy!" Artemis yelled out, smiled and then disappeared.

After they left, I stared at their spot for a minute and walked away. I stood in front of Rosetta's castle, staring up at her window. Her room was dark, but her windows were open. Was she there? Why did she even like leaving her windows open so much? Wasn't she scared that someone was going to attack or creep inside her room?

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