Chapter thirty-six

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Rosetta's pov

The moon cast an eerie glow over the land, and the fog slowly crept through the dense Transylvanian forests, enveloping the towns and villages of Romania. I stared up at the shadows of the towering mountains hiding what I know to be another world, the world of the vampires.

Anastasia looked at me and I stared back at her, knowing that a whole new world would be born once we entered those mountains.

"I hate it here," I grumbled, rubbing my arms to soothe the eerie feeling that damn place gave. I'm a vampire but sometimes my kind creeps me out. I looked behind me, the town lights scattered across the landscape like the stars in the night sky.

It was almost midnight and even though this world was supposed to be kept a secret, the humans knew about us, or they believed us to be legends, folklores that they use to scare their children to prevent them from going out in the night.

They weren't wrong though. If they stepped out past midnight, they were bound to meet their fate at the fangs of vampires. I sighed, shaking my head.

"I already want to go back," I mumbled as we made our way up the hill and into the fog that slowly masked our silhouette the further up, we went.

"Understandable considering that your mate is waiting for you." She replied stoically and I glanced over my shoulder, questioning her. Her tone sounded bitter, and it made me wonder what happened to the woman who was rooting for both of us.

"You don't sound pleased with him," I started, and she scoffed. Wow. I stared at her, surprised that she scoffed. 

She pressed her lips thinly when she saw the look on my face and glanced away. I smiled to myself, shaking my head. "I know what you're thinking Anastasia and trust me when I say I think about it all the time." 

And I did. Sometimes when I was alone with my thoughts my mind would drift to him and the look of desperation he had on his face when he pleaded for me to go on a date with him, to accept him.  It made me wonder how long that was going to last, how long until he decides that he doesn't need me anymore.

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to wash away the negative thoughts that plagued me and focused on what mattered, those damn noisy vampires.

At the thought of them, my expression turned stern. They are so dead. The fog slowly let up and right in front of us was another town, this time a bit medieval and gothic. The castle that loomed atop the jagged cliff  was the home of the old vampires. Those who believed in the bloodline than in succession.

I felt the eyes on me, watching me as we walked the pavement street. There was dancing, there was music, and the vampires roamed the streets. Some bared their damn fangs at Anastasia, but she ignored them.

I frowned at them. They didn't know who I was which was okay for me because if they did, they wouldn't even dare to dream of getting close.

"You can kill them if you want," I muttered still staring straight ahead but from my peripheral vision, I saw her smile slightly.

"As tempting as that sounds, we have a mission." She said and I nodded.

"Fair enough." 

We finally made it to the castle, the guards guarding the gates immediately bowed when they saw me and opened it but I did not miss the look of disdain on their faces.

I'm sure if they had their way, they would have attacked but then they would die. It's as simple as that...I stopped in my tracks when the double doors opened.

"Rosetta!" The high-pitched voice of someone I wish not to see reached me. She gracefully descended the stairs, her emerald gown dragging behind her and I raised a stiff brow. It's not like they live in the seventeenth century so why couldn't they dress like normal people?

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