Chapter fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Arius Pov

We left without saying goodbye. That was pretty much an asshole move considering what they've done for me, but I heard the howls of wolves in the distance when we were leaving the pack. The fact that their sound made my chest constrict could only mean one thing; it belonged to Artemis and Storm.

Astria actually watched me from the windows of her room, a cheeky smile on her face as she waved me off but for a second, I thought I saw that brat smirk and it freaked me out. One thing I knew for sure was that we all probably had a sadistic side to ourselves well apart from Storm. He seemed normal than all of us but other times too he's just weird.

"That was a jerk move you did." Ash reprimanded and I shrugged. Just so you know Ortho didn't want to leave but I carried him out and since then he has refused to pay me any attention. I don't care.

"It will take a while to get back, I suggest you get some rest." I muttered and looked out of the window of the plane. My thoughts drifted to the people I met at the pack. I hate to admit it, but Seraphina was right. There were good supernatural amongst them, but it still wasn't enough. I closed my eyes, leaned my head against the headrest and sighed.

I'm sorry monkey but I don't think I could ever truly accept them.

It took us a week to get back. The air I was used too filled my lungs and I breathed it in deeply. My castle glared at me, and I looked at it blankly. I was not going to forgive.

"You seem tensed." Ash's stated as a matter of fact and I shrugged, ignored him and walked inside. The moment I stepped in, all those around took one good look at my face and immediately cowered in fear and bowed their heads. I was emitting a dangerous aura and I wasn't bothering to conceal it.

I was back home! Back to hell but this time everyone was going to get dragged into my hell. 

The throne room doors opened, and the generals rushed in. I sat on my throne, leaned my back against the arm rest and placed my feet on the seat. I propped my arm on my lifted leg and glanced at all of them, making sure to keep my eyes fixated on each one of them.

"What has happened in my absence?" I questioned coldly and Rory, my advisor stepped forward. He bowed, straightened himself and looked me dead in the eye.

"My king, when you left things got out of hand and the attacks increased significantly. We lost some good soldiers as well." He started and I clenched my fist. They dared to attack again. After what they had done to my family, they still wanted more.

"Who are the responsible parties?"

He licked his lips and sighed. "We still have no idea."

I slammed my fist at the wall behind me and the room shook with the vibrations it made. My blood raged and burned within me, and I could feel the blood lust coming out again. "What do you mean by that?"

"It is as you heard my king." He said and I closed my eyes, inhaling sharply to calm myself but that flew out the window when he uttered the next words.

"And since we were in dire need of help and assistance, I reached out the vampires for help and signed a truce with them."

The room was dead silent. I could tell everyone had held their breath when he said that. "You did what?" I gritted out, my dark gaze boring into his eyes.

He gulped, opened his mouth but before the words could come, I gripped his throat in my hands and slammed his body against the nearest pillar, pinning him to it. "I fucking dare you to repeat it." I said calmly but I was anything but calm. I was seething in rage. The air in the room was stale, filled with fear and nothing else.

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