Chapter eleven

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Chapter Eleven.

It took me almost a week to get to the address Summer gave me and half a day to finally reach my destination and what do you know it starts pouring like torrents but that didn't matter to me because I needed to save my friend.

Midnight fall pack. I could tell the air here seemed different than the one I was used to. It felt peaceful, nothing like what I was used to. They hadn't seen much shit happen to them. 

Entering a werewolf pack was simple for me, plus having Ortho around made it easier. We ran through the rain, heading straight for the house Seraphina had once described to me.

My heart ached and I slowed down. It hurt, it hurt so much. I leaned against a tree, suddenly finding it difficult to breath. I gasped, my chest was tight, and I knew it was the pain of losing her. "Breath, just breath." I murmured to myself whilst slamming my fist against my chest. Ortho whined, rubbing his body against my legs and stared up at me with eyes that I think look sad and concerned.

I rubbed his head. "I'm alright." I have to be if I wanted to get revenge. I took another deep breath and continued running. From a distance, I saw a house come to view and I knew that instant that it was the place. It was simple but elegant and if anything, it looked so inviting nothing like my home at the castle which screamed 'do not enter'.

I stood at the front door contemplating if I should knock or barge in like I owned the place but for some reason my palms felt clammy with sweat, and I was nervous. Wait, nervous? Why was I nervous? Two voices reached me, a male and a female.

It was comforting especially the woman's voice. It felt like I could listen to her speak all day and the man's voice just felt kind as he spoke to her. I knew they were werewolves, but I could also feel something else, something powerful especially from the woman but then I heard a little voice and the pain in my heart dulled for a bit.

She called the woman, 'mommy' and then said something along the lines of 'big brother is coming home'. They sounded like such a happy and kind family, and I froze. Werewolves weren't kind creatures and that applied to them.

Throwing all caution out, I kicked the door opened and walked in, but I was suddenly hit with a warmth like no other. It was comforting, extremely comforting and it made me want to bask in it.

No! You had it and look at where it got you.

The scene played right in front of my eyes, and I grew angry. I would kill all of them. Every single vampire and werewolf were going to die starting with their rulers. I would make them regret their existence so much that they would wish they never had immor-

"Can you fucking tone down the murder vibes. I would appreciate it." A voice snapped, cutting of my thoughts but later I heard a smack followed by flirting and that pissed me off so without even thinking I replied back to him.

"Can you fucking tone down the flirting. I would appreciate it." I knew they were shocked heck I was shocked. It came out so naturally. This place was making me feel weird and I hated it. I wanted to be done and over with this. If they could heal my friend quickly it would be the best so I could leave this place.

I sighed and finally turned around, but I did not expect to see what I saw. I was shocked and they were too because the guy had his jaw dropped and the woman just looked like she had seen a damn ghost. I was freaking out so much that I put on a bored face. 

I was no way bored. I was damn shocked and what even shocked me was the little girl smiling at me with two missing front teeth.

"Welcome home brother."

Excuse me?

I heard a body drop and glanced up to see that the woman had fainted. The man looked like he wanted to pass out, but he just kept on staring. I matched his stare and felt so uncomfortable when he didn't blink. Is he even breathing at this point?

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