Chapter thirty-one

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Anonymous Pov

"Well, any update on the human king?"

"He seems to still hate their kind and it's only a matter of time until everything is in place."

There was a brief pause, "I think the vampire queen might be onto us."

The rumbling started low until the ground felt like it was going to collapse under the growl. Aside from that, the air became stale with fear and panic, and I glanced away too terrified to look into those eyes. 

"If she wasn't his mate and part of our plans, I would have killed her already." Those words were uttered with a deadly voice that sent shivers down my spine. "What about the spy we planted in her kingdom?"

"We've not heard from her in a while." 

He stopped pacing, narrowed those dark eyes and sat on the thorny throne. He was getting agitated because he was on limited time but so were we. We need to get the human king to blow up so we could be free but that...I gritted my teeth, took in deep breaths and sighed. Now wasn't the time. 

He glanced up, lips set in a thin line. "Let's hold off for a bit. Let him enjoy this moment with the people he cares about and when the time is right, send her in to destroy that."

I bowed my head, quickly retreated from his presence and stepped out from the Abyss. I glanced at it, sighed and left undetected.

Arius' Pov

It was awkward. The whole situation felt awkward or maybe it was just me because neither Artemis nor Storm looked awkward. If anything, they looked ecstatic to be here. I narrowed my eyes at their back as they roamed around the market square, stopping to buy and point at stuff.

I just shuffled awkwardly behind them, my thoughts everywhere. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be relieved, but their presence wasn't suffocating unlike the first time, and it was weird for me. A sigh escaped my lips, and I run my fingers through my hair, utterly conflicted about my emotions and thoughts.

How was I supposed to act?

"Arius came to take a look at this!" Artemis exclaimed chirpily and moved to grab my wrist before I could decline. She pulled both I and Storm into the store and picked out clothes that made my eyes bulge. 

"Fuck no!" Storm and I said at the same time and turned to watch each other with a glare. Storm pursed his lips, eyes narrowed in slits.


"Right back at you." I gritted out and he huffed, stuck his tongue out at me and crossed his arms in front of his chest. I rolled my eyes at him. Was this immature man-child meant to be my father?

Artemis just watched us with a silly grin on her face but quickly schooled her expression when she noticed me staring. Her cheeks coloured in embarrassment, and I felt my heart soften. I scrunched my nose, shifted sideways and glared at Storm. "Are you for real?!" I gritted out in annoyance, and he only shrugged, walked over to his mate, and kissed her on the lips.

If anything, Artemis' cheeks became redder, and she pushed Storm's face away and stared disapprovingly at him. "We're in public." She admonished and Storm smirked, wiggling his brow suggestively.

"So, we can continue when we get home, alright then." 

The mortified look on her face made Storm burst out in laughter and he wrapped his arms around her, tucking her head under his chin as Artemis tried to push him away but that only made him tighten his embrace. 

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