Chapter thirty-five

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Rosetta's Pov

My hands were trembling as I tried to control myself from ripping out their necks. This was bad, so bad. They couldn't even look at me with their heads bowed and the stench of their fear engulfing the entire room. 

"How exactly did this happen and when did it happen?" I mumbled staring at the empty cell and broken chains. Anastasia had drawn out her sword ready to kill them under my orders. 

"A-bout t-two w-w-weeks ago." The guard stuttered, the tremble and fear in his voice was apparent and irritating to my ears. I clenched my fist to my side. They were dead. I was going to kill them, and it was going to be slow and painful.

I let out a sigh to release some of the built up anger but I was still shaking within. "Why am I now hearing of this?" Calm down Rosetta, don't loose control before they can give you the answer. My finger twitched at their silence. "I asked a question." I repeated calmly.

"My queen please forgive us!" Ray cried out, his voice pleading. "We didn't think she was getting help from others..."

"Don't piss me off Ray than I already am." I growled out, turned and face them. They all flinched at the look in my eyes and their body shrunk in fear. "I asked why didn't any of you have the guts to tell me?!"

They flinched again and this time, Logan who had been quiet, looked at me with fear in his eyes. He's a meek vampire, likes to keep to himself but he's extremely strong and for him to even mess up, is just not okay with me. He's one of the few who had never been afraid of me and has always been able to look in my eyes without fear but now he's sacred because he has never seen me this angry.


He flinched and quickly bowed his head. "I'm sorry queen Rosetta. It was our negligence. We thought we could find her before your next visit but Miss Anastasia came earlier than expected."

Another finger twitched. "She would have been found if you had told me the day she escaped." I retorted sharply and he winced again. I sighed, running my fingers through my hair, frustrated that they couldn't even do this one simple thing.

That woman escaping is just going to mess things up and not in a good way! I slammed my fist against the wall, watching as it cracked and the room shook from the vibrations. I was so damn angry! 

"Anastasia." She quickly stood at attention, waiting for me to say something. I stared at all of them, suddenly feeling tired and I sighed again. "Do you think it would be possible to track her?"

I glanced at her to see her staring at the ground with pursed lips, her brows drawn together in a frown before she looked up, a bit hesitant to let me know that it might be impossible. 

"I'm not sure but maybe we can do something." She said unsurely and I nodded my head. Two weeks is a long time for her scent to disappear. I glanced back at them and pointed to Ray.

"Show Anastasia where you lost her." He nodded immediately quickly rising to to feet and followed Anastasia out. 

I watched the rest of them, they looked scared out of their minds and it made the urge to kill them disappear. I sighed, licked my lips and stared exasperatingly at them. "I'm not going to kill you but you will be punished."

Their eyes widened, and relief flooded through them. Well, it won't be for long anyway. "You'll be locked up and placed under observation for two months and during that time, you will eat human food." I paused watching their faces as I uttered the next words, " Meaning no blood for two months." 

Their voices got stuck, but Logan was the first to bow his head. "Thank you for sparing our lives, we accept our punishment." 

Well, there was no room to reject it anyway because not drinking blood for two months was equal to telling a vampire to go fuck himself in hell. They weren't going to survive on just human food because it does not give them the nutrients they need. They can last a week or two without blood and just human food but as time goes on, they will crave it, want it and the gums will hurt from not drinking it and if the thirst doesn't kill them, they will kill themselves.

The Immortal Bond: Queen RosettaWhere stories live. Discover now