Chapter Forty-two

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A/N: This is a dual POV! Hope you enjoy it!

Arius Pov,

Rosetta didn't let me sleep in her room. The nerve of this woman.

After that incredible make-out session, you would assume she'd invite me in, but nope. She stopped in front of a door opposite her room, twisted the handle, and with a cheeky smile, shoved me inside, saying, "That's your room."

"That's your room," I mock in her soft voice, scowling at the enormous bed meant for two, heck, maybe even five people. She expects me to stay here, all alone, for who knows how long.

"Not gonna happen, Rose."

"What's not gonna happen—"

"Freaking hell!" I yelp, jumping back a few steps away from Rose. I watch her with wide, panicked eyes, my chest heaving from the scare. I didn't even hear her steps, let alone catch a whiff of her scent.

She gives me a blank look and nods towards the door. "Stood there for a few minutes calling out to you, but you didn't respond, so I let myself in," she says with a shrug, making her way slowly toward the bed in the center of the room.

She called me. How did I not hear her? How lost was I in my thoughts?

"How long were you watching me though?"

The bed dips as she sits, tipping her chin with a slight smirk. "Long enough to see you scowling at the bed," she pauses, adding, "Is the bed too big for you?"

This little sly shit.

"I demand a room change this instant!

She gazes at me with a disapproving expression, seemingly incredulous at my words. However, she must come to terms with the fact that I'm determined to be with her rather than stay alone in this huge room. I'm here to rectify my past mistakes, the pain I've inflicted, and the harsh words I've uttered. A mere apology won't suffice; I have to prove myself to her, I have to give her all the love she needs and I'm gonna make damn sure of it.

"Arius," her voice, a gentle murmur, sends a shiver down my spine. It takes every ounce of self-control I possess to physically restrain myself from the overwhelming urge to pull her close and kiss her. God damn she's beautiful, she's an ice queen and hopefully, she will be mine.

"Mmm..." She looks at me like she's got something on her mind. I can tell she's gearing up to say something, that spark in her eyes saying she won't back down. It's these little things about her that make her who she is. People might see her as distant, but spending time with her, you realize she's just like anyone else, with her human side.

"Go on and ask, Rose, I'm all ears."

She appears hesitant, as if restraining herself. I don't want her to hold back; I'm eager to hear her thoughts. "Tell me, my queen," I encourage, delicately tucking a strand of her red hair behind her ear.

With that simple gesture, her ice-cold hazel eyes thaw and soften. "Do you trust me?" she asks.

I'm caught off guard by her question, but her persistent gaze tells me she won't let the topic slip away. She's determined to know if I trust her, and truth be told, I'm not sure if I'm fully aware of the answer.

Do I trust Rose? My mind flashes back to our first encounter. I never trusted her and what's worse, she is part of the species I despise so much albeit unfortunate that she is their queen. 

"Should I be honest with you?" I ask, and she nods slightly, signalling her approval. Stepping away, I walk toward the open window facing her kingdom. It's silent because it's still daytime and the vampires are asleep, but I can still hear the sounds of the humans living in the castle, murmuring excitedly to themselves. They sound happy and not at all depraved, they seem to enjoy living among these night creatures. 

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