Chapter four

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A/n: I forgot to mention that this is purely fictional and there are slight mentions of suicide in this chapter and probably others. It is definitely not okay to try and take your life because it is so very precious. Life happens and sometimes there's nothing we can do about it, but the option of suicide should never cross our minds. I hope y'all understand in case certain chapters feel like a trigger because it wasn't my intention. 

This was just a way to portray the main character's feelings.

That said I do hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter four

It wasn't going down. The urge to kill again, to destroy every little shit in my path. I breathed in deeply. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep –fuck! The cracking sound of wood reached my ears, and I looked down at my balled fist on the splintered table. 

My blood was boiling. My body was on fire. I needed to kill.

I could feel the tremors raking through my body, I could feel the change but damn it all if I was going to let an eternity of controlling myself go to waste just because of a bunch of absolute nobodies.

"Clean this mess up." I growled softly and swiftly left the room before I intentionally killed an innocent person. I could tell Ash wanted to follow me but one look from me stopped him in his tracks and he bowed watching in silence as I left.

I stood on the roof of a tower, far from my kingdom and away from the territory of the supernatural. The clean, gentle breeze lightly caressed my face. The sun was setting behind the forest, creating the after image of golden brown and pink hues. It was beautiful and peaceful.

 The forest looked like it was shrouded in heavenly light, not that I knew what heaven looked like but the effect this gave might just be the same.

I scoffed to myself. "Pathetic." If anything, I was feeling jealous and damn angry for almost losing control like that.

You might ask what jealousy has got to do with all this, well it was the damn sunset. I glared at it. The breeze came again, this time with a gentle nudge and it hit me. If I could just for once, just once, jump from this height, would it end my misery?

I slowly shut my eyes, twisted myself so that my back was facing the rest of the world. I took slow steps towards the edge and just when I knew I was close, I allowed the wind to do the rest and finally let myself go.

I could feel the immense pull of gravity, the rushing air against my ear, the pounding of my heart and the feeling of freedom. I smiled. "This must be how death feels like. So, liberating." And I allowed myself to fall freely, without any thoughts of stopping at the last minute and just when I knew I was close, I smelt it.

"Are you fucking stupid!" The softest voice yelled in my ear. Must be an angel. I shut my eyes tightly, allowing the sweet smell of shampoo to feel my nostrils. It was intoxicating and I could feel myself getting drunk of the scent.

I felt soft palms patting my cheeks. "Hey buddy, wake up." The pat came again, a bit harder than before and then something wet dropped on my cheeks.

What the fuck? Is it raining?

"Come on! Please wake up!" The voice cried out in panic. This was getting annoying. My brow twitched in irritation. Can someone not even die in peace? What the fuck is all this?

"What do I do? He's bleeding so much!"

"You can start by shutting the fuck up so I can die in peace." I snapped, irritated at the fact that my suicide plan was thwarted by an idiot. I groaned, rolled onto my back and placed my arm over my eyes.

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