Chapter Forty-three

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Arius Pov,

Despite my hatred for her kind, I have not faced any hostility from the vampires in Rose's kingdom. I wish I could say it was because they were afraid of me, but that is unlikely.

The real source of their fear is Rose herself, who sits at the head of the table with a blank expression on her face. She surveys the room with a cold and detached gaze, making every vampire uneasy.

Anastasia is away on a mission, so I have to protect her in her absence. The irony is that I'm surrounded by vampires, and I don't feel any urge to rip out their fangs and stick them in their eyes, except for one.

He has been annoying Rose constantly and even though she looks calm, she keeps picking at the skin on her thumb. She is about to lose it and so am I.

The vampire at the end of the table, who we're gonna call dickward has been nothing but rude and obnoxious during the meeting. I can tell he's the strongest out of all of them here and that might be the reason why he thinks he can act out.

If this was my meeting and he spoke out of line like that, he wouldn't have a tongue for speaking again; healing powers be damned.

"So, what are you saying Landon," Rose asks icily, her voice sending a wave of terrifying shivers down their spine. They fear her but Landon in all his obnoxiousness doesn't seem to get the message.

His burgundy eyes glow even brighter, and he straightens in his seat, clearing his throat. "I am saying that we gather the human livestock for the upcoming blood moon, fatten them a bit and with a bit of manipulation we make sure they are ready to give us blood whenever we need it."

The actual fuckity fuck!

"What the fuck did you say..." My voice is low, cold eyes trained deathly on him and my blood thrums with rage. I want to kill him. Is he talking about humans like they are some animal products to be used for slaughter?

All eyes train their gaze on me, and a few eyes widen in surprise at my outburst, probably wondering why a human is talking to them. It's then I realize they don't even know who I am because no one has seen me but they have heard of my reputation.

Landon narrows his eyes at me, lips turned downward in disapproval. "Who do you think you are?" He shifts his gaze to Rose, scowling deeply at her. "Rosetta, I suggest you control your pet. He is speaking out of line."

There's a collective gasp from his tone of disrespect and I clench my jaw, infuriated at the sheer audacity of this asshole. He doesn't even know I have mapped out a thousand ways of ending his life in a few seconds without him seeing it coming. 

"My pet?" Rosetta repeats calmly, her cold gaze that was unfocused at the beginning of his speech is not trained on him.

"Yes! No matter how fond you are of him, bringing your food to a meeting is a sign of disrespect to us."

There's a whistle from someone in the room, followed by a slight 'bitch is fucked' statement that I think everyone heard because of the piercing glare Landon throws at the guy. He only raises his hand in surrender and shrugs.

I take a step forward, just itching to beat sense into a vampire's head and I know I'm going to love every moment of it but cold fingers wrap around my wrist before I can take the next step. I glance downwards to see Rosetta still watching him with those steely eyes of hers.

"I understand Landon that my uncle sent you to keep an eye on how I manage my affairs but you seem to be lacking some manners."

He scoffs, running his fingers through his thick brown hair. "Manners? You want to talk about manners when you can't discipline the human beside you." He accuses, pointing a finger in my direction and if not for the firm grip Rosetta has on me, someone would be dead.

"Watch your tone." I snap lowly, keeping my gaze trained on him. "I could end your insignificant life in an instant.' I spit out and that infuriates him because within seconds he's appearing in front of me, fangs bared, ready to sink into my neck I smirk just waiting for him to get close but before he can take that next step, he is suddenly throwing back and pinned against a wall by dainty arms and red hair blowing with the wind.

Rosetta inhales sharply, keeping her gaze trained as she tightens her grip around his neck. He dangles slightly in the air, scratching her wrist to pry her hands and chokes on the nonexistent air, "You've got a lot of nerve Landon."

"L-let me go," He chokes out and Rose just quirks a brow in his direction, tightening her grip even more.

"Look around you, no one wants to even help you." She says coldly then pulls his face closer, her eyes turning a shade of red. "Because they know it's futile. You'll be dead before they can blink."

His eyes widen in fear from whatever expression Rose has on her face and then she drops him. He falls to the ground pathetically, gasping for air as he looks up only to flinch and lower his gaze the moment his eyes meets her.

"Exactly how it should be," Rose mutters, staring down at him with a look of disdain. A look only a queen can show towards dirt beneath her feet. "You aren't worth me getting this place dirty but you will address your King and Queen with respect."

There's another collective gasp and all eyes shift to meet mine. To be honest I'm a little shocked at her sudden declaration but I don't hate it.

She walks away from him and sits in her chair, shoulders squared, and head held high. "Arrangements would be made for the blood moon. No human is to be kept locked up or kidnapped. If I hear anything like that reaches my ears, no one in this room will be alive for their next decade turn."

They all nod in agreement.

"The other reason why I called you here is to let you know about my mate. You may have heard from about it from the rumours, but this is the Immortal king of humans; my mate and your King."

The revelation leaves them shocked, eyes growing even wider, and the fear suddenly increases that it makes me wriggle my nose to escape the stench. Landon who is still groveling on the floor looks like he's about to lose his soul from his body.

Rosetta looks over to him with a blank look. "You should thank me for stepping in because you would have been dead already." She deadpans. "Meeting adjourned."

They all file out of the room, murmurs going with them and Landon, scurrying like a rat from our presence. Rosetta sighs, leaning against her chair and my gaze softens.

"It's tiring." I murmur and she hums in response.

"More than you can imagine but not something I can't handle." She pauses and glances sideways at me with a lopsided grin. "I've dealt with worse."

The way she says it feels like I'm included, and it sends a wave of pain in my chest. I have really caused her to suffer a lot. I lower my head, suddenly sorry for my actions towards her. "I'm really sorry Rose." I whisper somberly.

There's a scrapping of a chair, followed by arms around my waist. "As long as you're here with me right now, everything is okay."

I return the hug, resting my chin on top her head. "God, you're so perfect Rose and honestly I don't deserve you."

She shakes her head, tightening her grip. "I don't deserve you but I'm too selfish to let you go." 

I kiss her head, and rock us back and forth, happy that I got to meet her in the most difficult times of my life. The time I lost everything.

"Let's go on date." 

She pulls away, her eyes lightening up. "Really? What do you have in mind?" 

I press my lips together, squinting a bit, "Mmmmm, how about dancing under the stars." I say with a grin, and she chuckles, nodding her head. 

"Should I dress like a queen then?" She teases and a laugh escapes me as I bob my head up and down at the thought of her dressing like those medieval queens but suddenly it I'm hit with how beautiful she's gonna look dressed like that.

"If you dress like that, I will dress as the King coming to steal the queen of the night."

She bits her lip, smiling slightly and nods. "I'll wait for my King then."

A/n: They have a little date y'all :)

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