Chapter two

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Chapter Two

Don't you just love a good drama. All through the years people expressed their feelings, emotions and shit by being dramatic as hell and today was no different.

"Oh, sweet brother." The voice sung out sweetly followed by the harsh banging of the doors against the wall. A body pounced on the bed, rolled and laid still on me. I could feel the gentle rays of light seeping into the room through the tiny gap of my dark curtains, an indication that it was daybreak.

The birds chirped beautifully next to my window, and I could hear the voices and footsteps of everyone, the happiness that came with the start of a brand new one. The day had started, and it was beautiful.


That was the only word that flashed in my head. What beauty was there in all this? It was just a damn nuisance just like the person breathing heavily on me.

"Dear brother, why are you ignoring me?" Even without opening my eyes, I could tell he was pouting and that was even more irritating. He got off me and I nearly breathed out a sigh of relief, but it was short lived.

"Oh yes! Don't stop! Right there-"

I swung my arm blindly, smiling in satisfaction when the sound of his ribs breaking filled my ears. His body hit the wall harshly and he slide against it, clutched his side and spat out the blood from his mouth but that didn't stop the satisfying smirk from appearing on his lips.

It was a routine anyway. It because of him that people even think I'm gay and have a brother complex.

I slowly lifted myself up, the duvet pooled around my waist, and I stared at him from underneath my brows. "There is a limit to my patience Scott, so I suggest you don't test it."

He waved me off, stood up and leaned against the wall with a haughty look. "If I don't, who will dear brother?" 

He drew closer to me, slapped his palms against his cheeks and gave me the most disgusting look a brother shouldn't ever give his sibling. "You know how much I love you so let's just stay like this forever."

Before he could even touch my chest with those filthy fingers, I pushed him roughly and slammed the door in his face. His irritating laugh carried out through the hallway.

I took deep breaths, my bare feet padded against the cold wooden floors as I entered the bathroom. I stared at my reflection, and it stared back. How long has it been? I don't think I can remember but I sure as hell wished for all this to end.

My dark eyes stared at me, and I knew that it was only a matter of time, just a matter of time before I decide to rid myself of this curse but until then, I would just have to do what I got to do.

"Good morning master." The maids greeted with a bow when they saw me approaching. I nodded in response and descended the stairs with my hands shoved into my pocket. I could hear my so-called brother flirting and my face scrunched up in disgust.

So early for him to be doing this. Best to ignore him and so I did. I stepped out of the manor and before I could even take one step, a huge mass of fur tackled me to the ground, followed by wet kisses to my face.

I chuckled, my fingers ruffling the fur. "Hey Ortho, how's it going?"

He howled in response and that made me smile even more. He was probably the only living creature I didn't find annoying or the urge to kill plus he hated Scott's guts which was a bonus for me anyway.

How did he even get into the house without Ortho sensing his presence? Ortho is a pitch-black wolf with a huge body frame. His eyes reminded me the moon and honestly when I found him, he was being attacked by another pack of wolves.

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