Chapter thirteen

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Chapter thirteen

Arius pov

The first couple that took me in were werewolves. Shocking right considering how much I hate them, but they were my first parents. I was left at their doorstep on a cold winter night in a cradle with nothing but a thin blanket and a name tag that had Arius written on it. They took me in, cared for me heck treated me like I was their own even though I was human but all that changed when we were attacked one night

It was feral wolves that attacked the house we lived in. They watched in horror as they tore me from limb to limb and chewed on the flesh of my neck. It was probably something they wouldn't even wish on their enemies but here it was happening to their adopted son.

But I didn't die, far from that, the wound on my neck healed and my limbs well they just regenerated quite fast and when they looked into my eyes, they froze in fear. They stood paralyzed with fear and watched on as I killed every single one of them. I was three when it happened.

You would think that they would be happy that I saved them but fuck no, they called me a cursed child and started experimenting on me. Every single day was mentally and physically torturing. The bloody wounds I got from cuts, burns and even at one point they shattered my skull just to see how long it would take for it to heal.

I was so done with their bullshit, but I thought they loved me because that is what they made me believe and I was young too, what did I know about parental love? But it all changed when I accidentally overheard them one night, planning on gorging out my eyes and selling it. That was it for me. I killed them in their sleep and the image haunted five years old me.

I roamed the forest for almost a year until another fucking irony a vampire saw me and took me in. She was the reason for most of my pain and suffering because she took everything from me. She drank my blood, sold me to her friends who all took turns in drinking me dry nearly bringing me to the grim reapers fucking doors. I was not the least bit interested in meeting that bastard.

For seven years, seven wasted years, I went through hell at that woman's hands. My blood tasted sweet she said, I couldn't die even if she drank me dry because I would just replenish it by morning. I was fed up! I was tired! And when I tried to kill myself, guess fucking what! I did not die!

I felt tortured in that hell hole of a mansion. I wanted so badly to escape. I tried to escape fifteen times and each time she caught me; it almost started feeling like a game of catch and I was the damn ball.

When she caught me, she would whip me and without waiting for the wounds to heal, she would place a hot rod against my skin. She would mention my name in a taunting way, and I grew to hate it! When she called out my name, I knew what followed was the sound of her whips and fangs sinking into the flesh of my skin.

I hated a name that was given to me when I was abandoned. Arius! It was a fucking cursed name.

Twelve years old me couldn't handle it. It was during that moment I first thought of my real parents. Maybe this is why they abandoned me, they didn't know what do with a freak with weird colored eyes and immortality. They must have thought the same as those werewolves. I was a damn curse.

"You should really relax on the self-pity." I remember hearing another voice in the dungeon she left me. He spoke quietly into the darkness and if not for how sensitive I grew to hearing things from a mile away, I wouldn't have heard him.

There was another kid there as well. He smiled a lot, maybe a little too much that it seemed almost real, but I could tell it was fake.

He introduced himself as Ashley and the reason for his name was because his mom was drunk when she named him. She thought she was a girl because believe it or not Ashley when he was a kid has such delicate features that anyone who saw him for the first time would believe he was a girl and I mean the dude fucking had long hair at that time.

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