Chapter six

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Chapter six

For the next couple of weeks, Seraphina and I spent every single hour and second together. She still had no idea as to who I was or where I was from but that didn't let her treat me any different. I was pretty much neglecting my duties; I mean Ash was handling it and he wasn't complaining so who am I to even stop him.

She didn't fear my dark eyes; she didn't cower away when I knew she could feel my bloodlust sometimes. She intrigued me but at the same time made me feel like bringing darkness into the little light she had created for herself.

"You know; you still haven't told me your name?" She questioned. We were at our usual spot by the tower but instead of being on top of the roof, we were on the grass, laying side by side with our heads leaning against each other. It was a peaceful dawn.

She wanted to see the sunrise with me not that I understood the appeal of it because it just reminded me that I was living with a damn curse every single day.

"Does it matter?" The reply slipped out quite nonchalantly and she glanced sideways at me from her peripheral vision.

"Well, what do you expect me to call you then?" She asked after some time and resumed staring at the sky.

I shrugged. "Anything."

She hummed in response and slowly interlaced our fingers together before bringing it to her lips and gently placed feather light kisses on my knuckles. "Well then how about Eros."

I chuckled. Such a weak name to call me. "Eros? The Greek god of love?"

She nodded and rested her interlaced fingers on her chest. "Yup."

I laughed completely astonished that she would even think of associating me to love. Sweetheart I am everything but love. "If that is what you want to call me, then I shall be Eros." I wasn't about to argue with her considering the fact that I didn't want to tell her my name.

"My sweet Eros." She murmured under her breath and turned to face me. Her eyes burned like a soft blue flame, setting my body ablaze. It was enchanting. "I love you."


Who said that?

It was definitely not me.

Seraphina cupped my cheeks, her gaze so passionate and intense as she whispered those words to me. "I love you, my Eros."

Those words stirred something deep within me. It felt like something in my soul was cracking and I couldn't even stop it –no I did not want to stop it. She loved me. Me? Those words rang in my head over and over again.

For the first time, I was at complete loss as to what to say.

"Say something." She whispered and that's when I saw the fear in her eyes. She was afraid but of what? I looked deeper; it wasn't the fear I was accustomed to but rather something else. She was afraid of my answer; of what I would say. I mean what the fuck am I supposed to say to this when I didn't even know what I was feeling for her exactly.

I knew she excited me, made the rage in me calm and I knew that for certain that I wouldn't be able to go a day without seeing her. Is that what love was?

"Please say something." She pleaded again and that broke me from the train of thoughts. I wasn't sure if I loved her, but I knew I would do anything just for her to be by my side.

I nuzzled my face against her palm, placed a gentle kiss on the inside and gazed at her. "Will you be my Psyche?"

Who the fuck put such cheesy shit in my mouth. 'Will you be my psyche?' Who says that?

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