Chapter forty-one

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Rosetta's Pov

Everything seems to be out of place. I know something terrible will happen which might change everything between Arius and me.  Am I scared of the truth? No. But am I terrified of Arius' reaction once he learns the truth? Yes. I am terrified of the ticking time bomb that he is. I'm scared that he won't be the same once he learns of everything, but I'll be damned if I let them anywhere close to him.

I have been watching him, protecting him since I could remember and I'm not about to let anyone take that away from me. I will hunt everything that threatens him even if it costs me my entire soul.

I look out the window, staring at the vast trees stretching miles and miles away from my castle. Arius is going to live with me, he's going to protect me.

The thought makes me chuckle to myself but at the same time, a warm feeling bloom within me. I've never had someone protect me before. Mostly everyone just wants to kill me, or I am the one doing the protecting. The only people I can rely on to have my back is Anastasia and Dimitri. 

And now, I have Arius.

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. I'm a little frustrated at the pace at which everything is going but I need to be calm. "Calm yourself, Rosetta," I mutter to myself, lightly tapping my finger against my arm. I need to be calm for the events that will surely unfold.

"Anastasia..." I call out and she emerges from the shadows. I turn to look at her, my brows quirking slightly at her outfit. She's wearing a dress. I mean it hasn't been long since she left to track the scent but to come back in a dress.... I narrow my eyes, slightly suspicious.

She averts her gaze, clenching and unclenching the sides of her dress. My brows shoot up and my interest piques. "Anastasia..." I drawl out and she purses her lips still refusing to meet my eyes and that makes me chuckle. "Do you have a date?"

I'm pretty sure she got dizzy from how fast she whipped her head around to watch my face, with wide eyes, and a slacked jaw as she tried to find her words. "W-what- I- I don't-"

I tilt my head to the side, watching on amusingly as she sputters incoherent words to defend herself. I burst out laughing, shaking my head. "I'm only teasing Anastasia, you can relax."

She stiffens, eyes narrowing, and lips pursed in disapproval. "That was not funny my queen." She deadpans and I shrug, not bothered about it and walk over to my desk. I sit down and stare at her with raised brows.

"Well, what do you have for me?"

She straightens up, looking at me seriously and mutters my fear. "It was her."

I clench my fist, looking away from her. I knew it! Damn it! What would have happened if Arius saw her? "Did you get a whiff of the direction she was heading to?"

"No, but I have an idea of where she might be," Anastasia says and I don't even need her to tell me. She's gone to the abyss. I sigh nodding my head at the information. 

"Thank you-" The door to the study room bursts open and Arius walks in, a grin on his face but then stops in his tracks when he spots Anastasia. He gives her a once over, and you can see his thoughts playing on his face as he watches her closely.

"Not a word!" Anastasia snaps, and he raises his arms in defense, a cheeky smirk on his face as he replies to her.

"But I didn't say anything." He muses, the grin still playing on his lips. Anastasia scoffs, looking away from him.

"Yeah right, I could see everything on your face." Her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Arius laughs out loudly, walking over to me with a boyish grin and I'm taken aback by how beautiful he looks. The smile, those eyes are on me. They are for me, and the thought warms my heart. I'm so terrified to lose it. 

The Immortal Bond: Queen Rosetta (On Hold)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang